Wednesday, 2 November 2011


I got up early today with the very best of intentions meaning to strip down the kitchen ready for my illustrious guests on Friday and hoping to chivvy Pa into sorting out his room.
Breakfast was soon over and all seemed well until I discovered that for some reason there was no grated mozzarella for my sons packed meal. I was faced with a choice, I
either I go myself and get back quickly but have less time to do the chores or I send Pa who takes ages...I sent Pa...and he did!

I set about the kitchen with a will moving pieces of furniture that have not been moved for a long time in order to make room for the rows of chairs we shall need. I marvelled as I did this how it was is that it is always I who ends up humping furniture about and as the kitchen took shape I discovered that someone’s idea of tidying up has been to stuff things behind the fridge , the freezers and the stillage. I was well that Pa was a mile hence or he would have received a drubbing for the mess I discovered.

Having made a mental note not to delegate the kitchen tidying ever again I was about to begin on the bacon settle, a large and heavy piece of furniture when the cat shot onto the kitchen carrying in her jaws a good sized rat which shrieked its protest and wriggled so much that puss was obliged to let go. The rat taking full advantage of this chance made a dash for the nearest dark corner and squeezed under the settle much to my dismay and the cats chagrin. There followed about an hour of poking and prodding during which time the cats got bored and took herself off to her tree house leaving me to evict the rat as best I could.

Finally I had a brain wave and used the steamer to do the job, one quick blast and the rat was flushed from his hideout, skilful use of the steamer nozzle guided him through the back door which I clapped shut at once. Looking through the window and feeling guilty about my treatment of a fellow creature I observed the rat munching on a piece of bread is if nothing had happened, such is life!

The kitchen now looked like a disaster area and once gain I tidied up the mess muttering curses the while then pa arrived home I could see his surprise at the mess and waited for the question but it never came as there was a knock at the door, next minute the kettle was on and I was making some hot buttered toast for a hungry guest. It was three before he left and there was barely time to finish the tidying before starting to cook our evening meal., with I set about doing with a few more muttered curses.

This means of course that tomorrow will be every bit as fraught as today has been if not worse, I have a mass of paper work to attend to and my hair needs washing, Pa's room looks every bit as bad as ever and the kitchen is not finished, at this point am past panic and past caring, a couple of stiff drinks sorted me out and restored my optimism if only temporarily.

All I can say is roll on Saturday morning, my soul craves peace, my body rest and my mind is totally mazed by the endless stream of correspondence, lists and statements which arrive daily.
In my heart I know it will be worth it but oh dear, Why my house and why me?

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