Sunday, 27 November 2011


My son returned home from Dragon Meet loaded down with books as usual and
with some surprising and exciting news. He and his friends had really enjoyed themselves and the day had been a huge success, old friends were met ,new friends made and a great deal of fun was had at the charity auction in the evening.

My son had intended to order a new publication on line called Designers and Dragons, Pa and I were to buy it as a Christmas gift but seeing it on sale he decided to purchase it at the meet. One of his friends was browsing through this large volume which is as it were the Bible of all things D&D and was delighted to find my sons publication ODDITES received mention.
This a huge accolade and my modest boy thought his friend was joking, he was stunned and of course delighted to discover that it was true. This makes the purchase of the book doubly special as I am sure you will agree that it is quite something to discover ones own works mentioned in a work of reference such as this.

The auction too brought a surprise, my son had given a couple of signed copies of his latest book”3D6 In Order” to be auctioned off for charity. He was amazed when perhaps the greatest figure in the UK gaming world these days bid hard for and finally purchased one of his books, this is a terrific compliment and I think my son is still in shock. As I mentioned before my son is becoming quite well know in gaming circles and yet he was surprised at the interest shown in his work. Of course this is all good news and bodes well for the future, and with the commencement of his latest project in the New Year he is well on the way to achieving his goal.

As for me I am as you can tell very proud of my boy and make no apologies for the unashamed bragging. I am feeling stronger today and this morning I baked five loaves for our use and for a couple of friends who have not had any bread while I have been unwell. Our evening meal was a quick one, Griddled gammon steaks with maple syrup, eggs , hash browns and my special hot tomato sauce. I must admit that by the evening I am much more tired then is usual and will be glad to climb in to my bed.

Parcel wrapping has now begun in earnest and today I packed the last two parcels for the post and the got started on the wrapping my gifts for Pa and my son. I have never been so far behind in ,my Christmas preparations , usually by this time the tree is already up and the kitchen decorated, still it is now use to worry. There is much more to Christmas than trees and decorations. The house will be snug and cosy and we shall be together if the Gods are willingall the rest is icing on the cake, which thankfully I made some time ago.

I am grateful to be feeling better as my son returns to work tomorrow night and He will I hope be less worried about what is happening at home, while he is away.
The wind has risen during the day and now as I write the rattle of the last falling leaves being blown against my window punctuates the rushing sound of the wind in the old lime trees. From time to time the eaves creak loudly and the curtain moves a little in the draught. My cat has left her window seat and has curled up on my bed waiting for me to climb in she too is sleepy and contented after a good dinner.

The sound of the wind is soothing, not strong enough to cause alarm,it adds to the cosiness and the scent of a sandal night light drifts about the room. I love candlelight, don't you? Very soon I hope my cat and I wwill be fast asleep,good night,sleeep tight.

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