Monday, 28 November 2011
I would have liked very much to stay in bed for another half hour this morning but as I had an early appointment with the doctor I climbed reluctantly out of bed , made coffee and dressed. It is quite a distance to the surgery but with the buggy it only takes about half an hour, all went well and I arrived in good time. Wonder of wonders the doctor was not running late, this must be the first time in the history of the practice, we are lucky to have a GP who talks to and more to the point listens to his patients so no one minds having to wait as a rule.
All went well although my blood pressure was rather high, we discussed my recent stay in hospital and the tests to come then my prescriptions were updated and I started for home.
I had left so early that neither of the boys were awake and I was glad to think that I should be home before any one noticed that I had gone. I planned to make omelettes for breakfast and the decorate the Christmas tree, alas how quickly my plans came to grief.
I had decided to drop off a loaf for my good friend at the garden centre, I was not aware that my recent illness was know to her but I soon discovered that every one knew. So many people stopped to ask how I was or for a hug that it was over an hour later that I finally headed for home. People were so very kind and so concerned and I had to work very hard not to cry,I was so very touched by all the good wishes. Even the manager came to see me and asked if there was anything he could do to help ,I was amazed.
Concerned that by now the boys would be awake and hungry I turned in the direction of home , I did not get far, again and again I was stopped by friends and acquaintance , some of them people I barely know all wanting to know if I was well. Almost home and I met another friend who asked me in ,I was obliged to decline so I asked her to drop in during the afternoon, it was noon before I opened my font door and\I was right, the boys were awake and they were famished!
Omelettes are quick to do so breakfast was on the table in double quick time and the dishes cleared away. Some thing a friend had said made me check my e mail , something I have not done for days, some how I could not face committee business and had decided to shelve such matter until I felt stronger. What I found were get well messages and again I was close to tears,every one was so kind and I should like to take this opportunity to thank every one who sent good wishes or enquired about me while I was unwell, with so much good will I would have to get better quickly.
I made a start of the Christmas tree but could not finish this lovely task in one go as I became suddenly very tired and my friend arrived just as I was making a pot of tea so we chatted away while demolishing the contents of the cookie jar. She is now a member of ISCAG and active in helping the cause along. She has so much energy and her input is exactly what I needed now, fortunately she is free at the moment , she is a Roady and as the festival and touring season is almost over for a couple of months she has offered to pitch in with the mountain of paperwork which our group has to deal with.
I appreciate her offer of help very much and knowing that she normally has a good long rest over the winter after the hectic touring of summer makes me even more grateful for her help.
Dinner was a mix of sausages served with jacket potatoes, cheese and salad, during the meal one of the boys from next door came to see how I was, he had seen the |Christmas tree and guessed that I must be up and about. I ink that we shall have more visitors tomorrow and on Wednesday some one I coming to see us about a grant for a walk in shower and a stair lift so the next few days will be busy.
I hope that I shall have time to catch up with my delayed Christmas preparations and I mean to do a little every day to make sure that things are perfect this year.
Right now though I am off to the bathroom before someone else bags it after which I shall watch television until my son is safely at work then its lights out for Twiggy and I and I hope a good nights sleep.
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