Monday, 23 January 2012


Ever since we heard that Pa had and appointment with at the department which deals with his calliper my son and I have been impatiently awaiting the day. Until recently Pa had a leg brace and a walking stick and the sound of his stick upon the wooden floor boards of the tiled kitchen was our constant companion.

Often I felt like poor old Billy Bones when Black Dog came to get him,he listened always for the sound of Black Dogs wooden leg tapping up the pathway. Since Pa got his brace we have set sail on the Hispaniola, or perhaps I should say that if sounds as if we have,

Pa,s calliper is held together be leather straps and it is these same straps which creak and groan like the rigging of a ship in dire straights. Pa had breakfasted before he left for hospital and so it was just my son and myself who sat down for a late breakfast of cheese on toast . We were discussing what might be done to alleviate the squeaking when Pa returned and it became clear at once that the squeak remained.

With Black dog back aboard the Hispaniola we were keen to know why we were keen to know why nothing had been done. Pa it seems had been advised by the conultant to “Put some Vaseline on the metal parts.” Since it is the leather straps which are causing the problem I can not see that this expedient will make any difference what-so-ever. Of course this doubtful remedy will be tried but I suspect that the only out come will be blobs of petroleum jelly on the furniture!

I do not know what is amiss with everyone today, I did not notice that the news this morning was any more dire than usual and yet as I said something is very much amiss. Having a loaf to deliver I went out on the buggy after breakfast and as usual met quite few people along the way. Now it has always been my custom the give a cheery good morning to any one I happen to meet on my travels and although not everyone replies I usually receive a smile , a wave of a salutation of some sort even if it is a rude one,this morning was different.

First I met a lady walking a dog and wished her good morning and as she stoically marched by without returning my greeting I wondered what trouble was on her mind ,poor soul. Next I met a lady pushing a pram in which sat the most beautiful child. I complimented her upon the child’s looks and she studiously turned her face and almost ran down the lane.

Taking a moment I stopped and looked in the wing mirror of the buggy to make sure that I had not suddenly sprouted horns a=or grown an extra nose,no, everything seemed fine and I pressed on. Soon after two ladies passed me and again my cheery greeting fell upon deaf ears,and I began to wonder what was going on. Finally I passed an old chap sitting on a bench and as I approached I waved and gave him good morning........nothing.........! Now by this time I was becoming a trifle peeved and so in a fit of irritation I remarked, “P lease yourself you miserable old bugger”. He heard that all right and told he off for my rudeness. I was quite relieved to be spoken to at all as I had begun to wonder if I had died suddenly and was unaware of the fact as in the film “Sixth Sense.

Luckily he had a sense of humour and we had a laugh about it. The rider to this story is that on the way home I decided not to speak to anyone and as I passed a lady on the road she said. “Don,t speak then.” and turning I saw it was a friend I had not seen for ages, some days you just can not take a trick!!

Dinner was early this evening as my son is back at work tonight. I made a dish of pasta with bacon and a garlic cheese sauce much favoured by the boys and very quick to make .
Today has been an odd one in many ways, even the air seemed very still and the birds were quieter than usual. What this presages I can not tell, nothing I hope, or perhaps a change in the weather, snow she said hopefully?

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