It was almost worth the rotten G.D.P figures announced this morning to see the glum expression upon the face of what passes these days for the Chancellor of the Exchequer!
I can not abide the smug smirk which is his daily look, it is redolent of the school snitch who once grassed me up to the Teacher by telling him that I had been “peeping during prayers!”
I suspect too that he has a similar level of intelligence.
We have during the past week been informed by Nick “the dishonourable member” Clegg that in spite of the fact that The Royal Bank Of Scotland is owned by you and me that the Government, such as it is, is unable to curb the massive pay bonuses of the banks bosses.
Was that can't or won't .
They seem very able to lay down the law about any increases and bonuses for just about every one else so what is the problem I wonder. Perhaps because they lack the will to do it? May be they are worried that such action would alienate the top dogs in the big corporations leading to a withdrawal of their financial support. Speaking of which I had a good giggle at the twerpy cabinet minster who bemoaned at length last week the fact that the Labour Party was funded by the Trade Unions who' s vested interest made such donations inappropriate .
It was enough to make a cat laugh.
So who has the most clout, A few rich big wigs or every man woman and child who is at the moment being well and truly shafted by the unholy alliance who are presiding over this debatable? The answer is simple we do, you and I and millions like us, the power is ours and it is time we flexed our muscles and showed these self satisfied oiks what we are made of!
But it will take all of us to do it, it is no use waiting for someone else to take the risks everyone needs to shout at once or we shall not be heard. Neither is it any use to be partisan since it is abundantly clear that all political parties are corrupt. We need top do what all political parties have been doing since the dawn of Politics, we should be looking out for our own interests.
We put these people in office, we pay them to do their jobs, why they do they feel able to speak to us like backward school children? Why too do they believe they have the right to hold us responsible for their mistakes? We are paying the piper and we should be calling the tune. If some high powered individual or huge corporation can get away with paying little or no tax why is it that poor souls who take a bit of cash in hand payment for a few hours work while on benefits hounded as cheats, frauds, and liars., it is disproportionate.
Those who have least should not be expected to pay more than those who have far too much. Let those who made the mess clear it up. To those who feel that people of benefits are getting a good deal and are leeches on the hard workers I say this, there but for the grace of God go any one of us . If you were to lose your job and your home would you not like to think that there is a safely net to help you through the bad times? And what if the bad times go on and on?
North Staffordshire was a thriving area when I was growing up. The Potteries employed Tens of thousands of people, Shelton |Steel works ,a huge enterprise was a major employer add to this the many coal mines and the result was a ward working labour force and although pay was never brilliant in the Pottery Industry the jobs were safe.
First they closed the steel works, then the Pits and the the potteries one by one until there are only a handful left. This happened in the late seventies and early eighties and the area has never recovered. Yes there are a lot of people who have been on benefits for a long time and yes that is wrong. Where the difficulty lies is that there are no longer any r jobs in the area which can pay a man with a family a living wage.
In Leek and Uttoxeter the closed all the Mills , even J.C.B laid of hundreds of men and the result was exactly the same. Politicians call these men and women scroungers, not true they are honest, proud and if given half a chance hard working and reliable. What has happened in there towns is no fault of theirs, it has been caused by bad management by successive Governments and our Captains of Industry who can only understand the theory of the fast buck in modern times. Believe me if we allow things to continue as they are we shall all end up paying for the privilege of being allowed to work at all.
Next time you have the chance to have your say, next time you are asked to join a protest or a delegation to protect your rights remember, if you don't look after your interests who will?
Until we make our leaders, our employers and the large corporations that they are our servants and not vice versa none of us is safe, none of our jobs is safe. Our whole way of life is threatened by those who seek to divide us by making us believe that those who are out of work are some how a lower order of life than those with jobs.
After all how sure of your job are you?
Avie will be back to normal by tomorrow, unless some idiot politico makes some crackpot statement and she gets cross again.
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