Saturday, 7 January 2012


Tomorrow the dungeoneers are holding their annual Christmas party here, somewhat delayed due to my poor health and so I thought a special cake was in order. Over the years I have made many different cakes for this valiant band as they all hold their birthday parties in our kitchen. I racked my brains for something a little different and suitable for the occasion and came up with the following
6oz butter
6 oz soft brown sugar
rind of 1 lemon
3 eggs beaten
4 tablespoons of whiskey
6 oz self raising flour
Butter and line the bases of two 8” sandwich tins
Whisk the butter,sugar and lemon rind together until pale and fluffy, then gradually beat in the eggs.
Fold in half of the sifted flour then add the whiskey followed by the remaining flour.
Spoon the mixture in to the prepared tins and bake in the oven at 190oC for 20-25 minutes then turn out and cool on wire racks.

3 oz softened butter
6 oz icing sugar
2 level tablespoons of set honey
4 tablespoons of whisky
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
a few walnut halves
Whisk the butter with the honey and then add the sugar a little at a time with the lemon juice until fluffy.
Sandwich the two cakes with half of the cream then spread the rest over the top of the cake.
Decorate with the walnut halves.

If you wish you may substitute the lemon juice for a tablespoon of whisky for a very boozy topping.

The cake came out beautifully and looked very good when iced, by the way I did substitute the whisky for the lemon juice.

Newt I baked three trays of shortbread for the biscuit tins which were once again empty, I chose shortbread as a traditional New Year Cookie although we eat is all the year round and three trays are as quick to make as one.

With the baking done I sallied forth to search for my missing tunnel and found it in a neighbouring garden whose owners moved out a few days before Christmas. Unfortunately it was mangled beyond repair as not only the cover but the frame had been blown away and had twisted in all directions in the process. This is a blow as the tunnel was new and I shall be unable to replace it for some time as I am saving up for this years manure, bark chip and compost.
I miss having my own compost heap but thanks to the recent activities of the estate it is now buried under a huge pile logs which I am unable to move. Nothing daunted I have encased the brassicas in a shroud of chicken wire and fleece in the faint hope that this will stop the marauding wood pigeons from scoffing the lot!

If there is one thing I have leaned during a lifetime of gardening it is the need to be philosophical about such happenings. Fretting does no good at all and I fell fortunate that the green house survived the storm unscathed.

After all the baking I decided on a simple macaroni cheese for dinner to which I added a few sun dried tomatoes for extra flavour and judging by how little remained after the meal it was a good choice.
Now I am off to take a bath as I have a date with my son to watch Top Gear with a cup of Irish coffee and the box of chocolates I bought yesterday....lovely.

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