Monday, 2 January 2012


A splendid sunny winters morning greeted me when I opened my curtains this morning, sunlight sparkled in every one of the rain drops decorating the bushes in the garden.
I had early morning coffee with my son and then snuggled up in bed for an extra half hour as it was so early.

Latter I baked the days loaves and make fruited piklets for breakfast before heading out in to the sunshine to deliver one of the loaves and a New Years fruit cake to my friend at the garden centre. After the dark greyness of these past days it was delightful to be outside even thought it was very cold and windy. Having seen the forecast for tomorrow I decided to make the most of the sun and drove the buggy around the lanes admiring the glossy ivy leaves and here and there the Hellebores waxy white flowers braving the wind and looking all the more beautiful for being the only flowers yet open.

I noticed clumps of daffodil leaves which had pushed a good four inches through the ground and lots of Aconite promising a yellow carpet in a few weeks time.
By the time I reached home the wind had risen and the cold was biting and as soon as I had changed out of my outdoor clothes I made a mug of real hot chocolate for us all . The chocolate was a Christmas gift and has been a real treat during the holidays.

Feeling more energetic than I have in days I decided to turn out the bedroom cupboard,. This cupboard is an odd little room off my bedroom which slopes away to nothing where the eaves of the house run down and beneath it are the steep stairs. It has a window which overlooks the orchard and for a long time I wanted to arrange things so that I could leave the door open to allow the extra light to enter the bedroom. As a rule this space is stuffed with laundry waiting to be ironed, the ironing board, bedding and a mass of sweaters which no one ever wears.
I set too with a vengeance, ruthlessly putting in to rubbish bags any item which had not been worn or used for a couple of years, I have to say that the majority of this tat pile does not belong to me, It has been dumped on my hands because the wardrobes of the boys are full of the clothes which they do wear. I had hoped that no one would notice my covert dumping of this mass of trash but my activities soon cause questions to be asked as to what exactly was in the recycle bags. My confession called forth a wail of protest just as I had feared!

Proving myself heartless I informed the protesters that they could keep any item they wished providing they housed it in their own space and not mine. The rebellion subsides at once and four large bags of old shirts sweaters coats,books and ancient bedlinen all of which had apparently sentimental value were soon lined up out side ready for the recycle lorry, and about time too!

Our dinner was a favourite and a real quickie, baked Camembert, a lovely new loaf home made tomato sauce and apricot jam served hot. A large salad accompanied this meal and we followed up with sticky toffee pudding.

My son having been at work all night is shattered, I am rather tired myself after my exertions in the closet and Pa is always sleepy and so in the words of dear old Pepys . “To bed.”

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