Thursday, 14 February 2013


I cannot remember the last time I got up so late,and when I did it took almost half an hour to get my rickety old legs going.
Down stairs my dear son had prepared a lovely breakfast for us of toasted crumpets dripping with butter and hot cross buns ,all sticky and with just a hint of spice.
We all seemed more tired than usual and|I put it down to the rigours of decorating and the fact that now that my sons last day with his miserable,penny pinching , mean minded ….I could go on ...but not yet …......employers is almost upon us we are all suffering from what I call cut string syndrome.
You know how it is,for as long as it is vital that you carry on you summon the strength from somewhere and you do keep going. But once the heat is off you are like a puppet with its strings cut,it's odd, but I have observed this phenomenon many times.

We decided to suspend all chores except for the making of a special meal. And the baking of a cake in honour of the day.
I am now officially declaring myself shattered and I intend to laze about for the
e rest of the evening.
I hope that your valentines Day has been as nice as my own. Love and hugs from Avie.

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