Saturday, 16 February 2013


As I feared I have succumbed to the prevailing plague,since yesterday I am become a wretched outcast,a pariah. I am shunned as if I had been poxed, as my old Aunt Sarah would have put it I have “the lergy!”

I spent a miserable night sneezing and snuffling, I did so much rootling about in bed that my poor little cat eventually gave up and took herself off to sleep in my armchair,from where she cast upon me baleful looks and occasionally mewed her reproach. As I said,I am an outcast.

|Friends who never seem to mind sitting for hours in my kitchen,sneezing and blowing their noses insisted ,upon hearing of my affliction, on holding their conversations with me out side in the fresh air .”I wouldn’t want to catch your nasty old cold dear,would I?” Honestly. The bare faced cheek!

My sense of taste has vanished along with my sense of smell, a condition which I hate, and my sinus feel as if they have been stuffed with expanded polystyrene...yuk!

I feel disposed to complain for whenever other family members are so afflicted they retire to bed to be cosseted with hot water bottles hot  tea and all manner of dainties prepared
If I retired to my bed not only would there be no dainties for me,there would be no dinner for anyone......yes you might say that I feel a little sorry for myself,not to say hard done by!

When eventually I do get to bed it will be quite late as my son is gaming today which often means a delay in cooking dinner. Tomorrow my aching head will have to withstand the loud guffaws, hysterical, and occasionally blood curdling shrieks of the Kamikaze Dungeoneers as they wage war upon each other in the kitchen.
I shall be fortunate indeed if I am able to make dinner much before eight,by which time I shall be feeling awful (head colds are always worse I the evening).

I should not feel half so rotten if only I could stop shivering and sneezing violently enough to blow my brains out,such as they are.

Now ,having made my moan to the whole world I shall cease to whinge and seek out the menthol crystals, these,infused in some boiling water may do something to combat the polystyrene!
I hope!

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