Sunday, 14 April 2013


In an earlier blog I expressed my resolve to remain silent upon the subject of Margaret Thatcher's demise, on the principal of not speaking ill of the dead, since by now I must be the only person not to do so I am persuaded to give a general opinion upon this glori........ I mean sad event.

Firstly ,the music currently in the charts and rising fast which celebrates the death of the old b........... I mean Mrs Thatcher. Could we not have at least come up with some thing original and less mindless than “Ding Dong The Witch is Dead”.

Of course it could be argued that this dearth of originality is due to the dumbing down of the education system,begun by “The Lady” herself and elaborated upon by that male Maggie wannabe Tony Blair. The blinkered National Curriculum which allows neither child nor teacher to look either right or left and actively discourages originality thereby, who can say?.

The retaliatory strike by Margaret Thatchers supporters is similarly inane and cannot help but wonder what the poe faced I mean..Lady Thatcher would think about it?

In any event I shall throw my cap in to the ring with a little ditty of mine own devising.

TO THE TUNE MEN OF HARLECH (appropo don't you think?)

Now the devils in deep trouble though his fiery cauldrons bubble
Best get stoking on the double Maggie,s on her way!
All at once ten thousand pit men, to a man they're Maggie Hit men,
Volunteer to do their bit man,if you've got the coal?

Stoke the fires up higher,burn the Tory liar,
Shovel fast and make it last this glorious funeral pier.
Miners leave your heavenly glory, help to spit roast this foul Tory
Let the whole world hear your story ,Maggie burn in hell.

I trust this will clear up any doubt as to my views on this subject, I do so detest ambiguity!

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