Tuesday, 16 April 2013


Last night was relatively quiet and thankfully I managed to get some much needed sleep at last,and woke this morning feeling much better. There are times when the pain becomes so dreadful that just standing still is unbearable,yesterday was one of those.
I freely admit to taking a very large dose of Codeine followed by Tramadol a little later and it was this ,and this alone which allowed me to get some relief. So many people suffer from arthritis,some of them children, and the thought of a little child having to endure so mush pain is heartbreaking,it is to be hoped that the new drugs being trailed at the moment will help;frankly when the pain is very bad I would take a dose of arsenic if I though it would help.
Many sufferers frequently overdose to a dangerous level and I fear I am one of these, it works, and that is all that matters to me.

Enough of this maudlin chit-chat. We were at breakfast(poached eggs on toast) when the postman arrived with our mail, to my surprise there were parcels for me.
I was quite excited as I opened them and I almost cried when the contents were revealed.

As you may know I do a great deal of cooking and have numerous cookery books give by friends and relations over many years,some of which I am particularly fond,and oven the years I have
literally cooked the covers off a number of old favourites and worn the print off others.
These books have been a sort of kitchen talisman since I was a bride and I had hated the thought of losing my old friends.

My darling son,noticing the dilapidated condition of these books went on line and tracked down replacement copies, and even purchased a book new to me, by a favourite cookery writer,it was a wonderful surprise and entirely typical of my son's generosity.
He makes a joke and says he has an secret motive as he gets to eat all the recipes, I know the truth, he is a kind and wonderful human being,I am so proud that he is my son.

Tomorrow I shall begin to repay his kindness with a good dinner from the new book....I love to try new ideas so it will be fun.

Moth is having her stitches removed tomorrow,believe it or not she appears to be coming in to season again. Since there is no way she can be spayed so soon after her c section she will have to go on the pill! I kid you not!

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