I am very happy to
report that Moth is recovering well from her operation and is lapping
up all the attention lavished upon her,particularly by my son. Always
rather partial to him,it seems now that she has chosen to be his
cat,she seeks him out in his room if he is away for long;and when
tell you that until a few days ago she had never been upstairs this
will show you the strength of her feelings for him.
To reach him she must
brave passing through the living room,Twiggy,s domain and this
requires considerable courage. It seems a pity that the cats do not
get on,it is not that they fight all the time,in fact they have,so
far,seldom come to blows,it more a question of threatening
posture,squaring up to each other with tails like Christmas trees and
swearing like a couple of fish wives,really ,the language is truly

works,what the hell!
At the moment an uneasy
truce has been declared,this of course is likely to break down at any
moment and we are prepared for the worst. I hope and believe that
things will settle down soon , now that Moth is getting about more,
she and Twiggy will meet more often as that eventually familiarity
will breed contempt. If they just ignored each other I would be
I confess that this
level of animosity between two cats is new to me. I have ,in the past
owned as many as thirteen cats at one time, along with two dogs ,two
young owls and a polecat which lived amicably together in our small
dwelling . No fighting,in fact the owls and the cats played together
and often ate together as the owls developed a taste for cat food!
Perhaps my powers are
fading with age, I have since early child hood possessed an odd
affinity with all animals and birds too. My poor mother recounts the
story of how she discovered me at the age of two holding what she
says appeared like a rat circus,me in the centre with a posse of rats
running around me,then to her horror she saw that I was cuddling one
of the rats like a pet and feeding it bits of toast. My father always
said that he heard her screams from the pub which was half a mile
After that for poor old
Mum it was all down hill and a host of small animals and birds passed
through my hands as a child,including a nest of mice which I hand
reared after a dog had dug up their nest and killed their mama.
For the present Twiggy
is asleep on my bed and Moth is asleep in the kitchen,long my it
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