Wednesday, 17 April 2013


It was with considerable trepidation that we prepared to take our cat Moth to the Vet for the removal of her C section stitches. I knew that there would be no way that she would go willingly into her carry basket this time and I was right.

It took four attempts by which time I was scratched to pieces and my shirt was torn across the front.
Never the less we prevailed and when the taxi arrived my son took a squalling, spitting,very angry small cat to have her stitches out.

At the other end it took three persons to handle her while the stitches were removed,her immunisation administered and a birth control shot! Yes unbelievable though it may seem she is in season ,a mere ten days after her caesarian, and the local Tom cats know it!!!

By the time they returned I had bathed my many scratches with surgical spirit and applied dressings were necessary, and consigned my almost new shirt to the rag bag.
For the first hour or so she avoided my company and it was at least a couple of hours after that before she stopped giving me the air. Now we are the best of friends again,we have only to prevent he going out for a week and all will be well.......until a week later when she goes to the vet again for her booster shots.

If anyone out there has a suit of armour I would be happy to hire it for a day or two....just name your price!

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