Saturday, 8 June 2013


Welsh rugby fans are celebrating in Osaka having beaten the Japanese 18-22. I am receiving updates which vary greatly as to the nature of their coherence,from a friend lucky enough to be out there watching the matches .
To be frank I have seen the Welsh side perform better,but they were just good enough this time,even so the nip (no pun intended) and tuck of the second half would have had my friend Dai biting his nails and holding his breath.

Back in 2003 I watched the Rugby World Cup Final in an Aussie pub in London with an ex Royal Navy Rugby Full back. Not being familiar with the place we did not realise that it was and Aussie pub until be ordered our drinks, and received a greeting of “Bloody Poms” from the barman.

The game had already begun and my friend refused to seek a safer place to watch and so,resigned to an uncomfortable time I ordered another round.
“Tight Pommie bastard, letting his Sheila get the drinks!” said the barman.
My friend had not heard this remark but I decided to deal with the arrogant little twerp by downing my pint in one and then slamming the tankard down on his hand as hard as I could! He screamed like a Sheila.

You may remember that England beat Australia in that final and I though that my friend and I would have to flee for our lives but all was well,it turned out that the barman was as unpopular with his regulars as with me and we were treated to so many pints that ,had I drunk them all I would have been seriously unwell.

Very late that evening and awash with Aussie beer we headed for home in a friend was far too drunk to drive,and besides,he had forgotten where he had left the car!

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