Sunday, 23 June 2013


                                            THERE'S SOMETHING NASTY IN THE CASTLE YARD !
The rhyme goes on to say.    WE KNOW WHERE IT IS,AND WHO DID IT.
                                            BUT FOR GODS SAKE TELL US WHERE IT IS!

We had one of those moments recently, the day after Pa had his eventful trip to Guy's to be precise.
I stood in the kitchen on Thursday morning ,sniffing the air like a fox, there was a definite whiff of something unpleasant.

I checked the cat litter tray...unused. The bins were empty, I checked the fridge,all clear.
I continued to sniff until my son arrived and announced. “What's that pong?”
I confessed my self baffled and we continued to search around,we found nothing. I opened the door and all the windows and this cleared the fug......temporarily!

Pa spent the day in bed which meant I was extra busy, my son was pushing a writing deadline and so it was evening before the subject of “The Pong” was raised again.

While preparing dinner with the doors closed I noticed once again the nasty niff and it was worse than ever,what the devil could it be?
We ate dinner with the door open and cleared the kitchen after which I conducted another no avail.

We were very late getting to bed by the time we had settled Pa down for the night, I sprayed the room with a whiff neutraliser,closed the door and hoped for the best. Perhaps it was the drains playing up again?

Came the dawn and by now the kitchen smelled really funky,with a tea towel clasped to my nose I opened the door and windows again and hunted about in earnest for the cause of the stench.
I have recently changed things a round in the kitchen having succumbed to a fit of the fidgets and while doing so had placed the bowl in which we keep the scraps for Foxy tucked out of sight.

I was unaware that later Pa had placed scraps of lamb left over from Monday dinner in the dish and placed over the top a clean dish cloth. He forgot to take out the scraps on Monday night and added a few bits to them on Tuesday...then forgot to take them out again and by Wednesday night he had forgotten their very existence.

Upon reaching for the clean dish cloth I unwittingly discovered the source of the by now truly dreadful pong which was not so much a hum as a raucous chorus. I removed the offending dish to the outside bin and by the evening the kitchen has ceased to smell like a charnel house.

By today it was impossible to detect anything unpleasant upon the air thanks be to the Gods as we had a guest for breakfast and the Kamikaze Dungeoneers round for the afternoon.

I have relieve Pa from the duty of putting out the scraps,hence forth I shall do it myself.....supposing he had not thought to cover the dish....suppose it had been does not bear thinking about.

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