Monday, 3 June 2013


Perhaps the sight of sunshine striking a thousand rainbows from a crystal light catcher in my bedroom window gave me a lift? I had expected to feel dreadful after a night with almost no sleep yet somehow I felt light hearted as I drank my morning coffee with Moth for company.

Pa had a hospital appointment which meant an early breakfast,we ate with the kitchen door open for the first time this year, a real treat as the birds occasionally join us to pick up the odd stray crumb.

The boys would not allow me to do any gardening today and so instead I tidied some drawers and went shopping. On my return I actually sat quietly in the orchard for a while watching the Blackbirds feeding their young brood,they have nested in the old apple tree this year keeping company with a pair of Doves and a pair of wrens who have nested in the ivy covered trunk.

I am very much looking forward to tomorrow as a couple of my sons friends are coming for breakfast, they are friends from work whom he has not seen since he left and whom I have never met although I feel I know them. It will be such fun to finally meet these guys and give them a hearty breakfast,I have missed cooking for the old gang.

Pa brought me some toffee,very much of the “stick jaw” variety, it tastes lovely but is playing havoc with my fillings,a visit to the dentist will be on the cards sooner rather than later I think.

Our neighbours cat, a sleek,beautiful ginger Tom named Harry has been taking liberties and our cats are up in arms. He strolls in to our house as if he owns the place and eats their food,he wanders up and down the stairs and chases our genteel ladies ,which they do not like one bit.

Today he went too far and ensconced himself in Twiggy's tree house which proved to be too much. She ran up the tree,one branch higher than the tree house and launched herself upon Harry like a Furie......he left in a great hurry while tufts of ginger fur wafted on the sunny afternoon breeze.

Twiggy preened herself while sitting in the tree house until it went dark,one up to her I think.  

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