I may have mentioned
already that my son,normally very level headed, is positively phobic
about today's date! In the past I have attempted to keep the date
from him but since he worked in the media this was doomed to failure.
This morning we awoke,
earlier than usual, cheerful and even pa got up in time for breakfast
without any prodding. All went well until the silly so and so reading
the news mentioned the date(something which even I was blissfully
unaware of at the time) and put the evil eye upon all things.
At first I had hopes
that he had not heard the benighted idiot...............he'd heard
alright for the next moment he launched into a panic stricken
forecast of all the dreadful events which could,because of the day
,arise from our normal Friday business. Well of course I pooh-poohed
the whole idea,fool that I am,events were to prove me wrong!
From the moment we went
downstairs to breakfast small niggley problems began to intrude
themselves in to our well planned day and although breakfast was
lovely and went without any hitch....almost … the prospect of
spending a day with my son in Friday the 13th mode had a
depressing effect upon our spirits as we ate.
Things began to go
wrong quickly. Nothing much you understand,nothing that on any other
day we should have laughed at of even ignored,today these trifles
were invested by my son with sinister meaning,omens ,portents of
worse to come!
As the day wore on he
became more and more jittery,even I,on a quick trip to our local
hardware store began to wonder if the erratic driving of the man in
front of me on the road had some thing to do with ...you know what.
Due to work n progress the pavements have been cordoned off all week
,which has meant that we have been obliged to take to buggy on to the
road. Now it must be faced that the drivers of motor cars have a
dislike of mobility scooters and those who use them,this is because
they have not the imagination to understand they too could find
themselves needing to use one eventually.
It is the same thing
exactly as the attitude of the young to the elderly,they act as if
they are notorious for having discovered the secret of eternal
youth,poor souls, how soon they will see they are mistaken.
Enough of this
frippery,back to Friday 13th, where every spill, missed
phone call, burned piece of toast and even the weather were being
blamed upon the day. Would a self defrosting refrigerator choose to
spew water all over the kitchen on any other day? Yes of course it
would,and did ,not two days ago, nevertheless the day got the blame,
and thank the Gods for it,at least it stopped us looking for the
idiot responsible for pressing the auto defrost button.......for the
second time in a week!
I must admit that I
have had better days and certainly I I shall be very relieved when
the clock strikes midnight and we can all get back to normal...until
the next time!
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