Wednesday, 25 September 2013


After several days as a zombie I have decided that I prefer to be in pain and at least coherent. While I freely admit that to be without pain for the first time in many years was glorious the price was far too high.
On the first day I was ecstatic and rather light headed,this devolved in to a state similar to drunkenness and by Monday I was completely ga-ga. My son tells me that I was incoherent most of the time ,I can only remember snatches of that day ,being unable to remain awake for more than a few moments,and dreadful dreams when I slept.

Yesterday I cut the pain relief tablets to one dose a day instead of four and I am slowly returning to normal...I hope. I am still unable to sit without falling asleep and am finding it almost impossible to concentrate, I must however put up with these symptoms until I see my G.P. again on Monday,hasten the day.

I am still hopeful of finding a middle path where the pain is lessened without obliterating my consciousness. It has been a tough decision as the pain is ,at times unbearable,but I am a carer and I must have my wits about me for Pa's sake, and Pa must come first.

How lovely today has been,real September weather,a little hazy yet warm, the air still except for the buzzing of thousands of insects all intent upon feeding. I watched a beautiful garden cross spider sunning itself in the centre of it's perfect web. Dragon flies patrolled the orchard paths in search of food,they are carnivorous and will take wasps,bees or butterflies,they are voracious and some are as big as a small bird.

In the early evening I took a run around the block on my buggy,the first in days,I chatted for a while with two old friends in the soft evening air. On my return I discovered that my son had begun the preparations for dinner and indeed he actually did cook our evening meal,it was lovely to be waited on for a change. All in all life is still sweet,and no matter what and I mean to enjoy as much as I can while I can,I cannot bear the thought of missing out on such glorious days as this has been.

Tomorrow I intend to make our Christmas Chutney,providing that the fog in my brain has dispersed ,wish me luck.

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