Thursday, 5 September 2013


While we are on the subject of the paranormal I really must make your acquaintance with our ghost cat,I am quite serious we really do have the ghost of a cat wandering round the house.

Pa and I were aware of him before we actually saw him,in fact it was some years before he deigned to materialise to anyone except another cat. Our lovely and much missed Lord Tom would ,on occasion appear to be chasing nothing around the room. He would hiss and fizz like a dodgy firework and stare at a particular spot at something only he could see.

Twiggy,has had a slightly better relationship with the ghost,she simply stares at it and follows its movements about the room with interest. Only once or twice has she taken exception to it's presence and chased it up the stairs.

It is since the advent of Moth, my sons little calico cat that the ghost has been visible to us all. Whenever I sit to write at my desk it comes and rubs its self against my legs and then dives under the bed, Sometimes I see it whisking out of my bedroom and on to the landing. There is no mistaking ,this cat is all black unlike any of our moggies.

Often it is a while before I realise that my visitor is not either Moth,or Twiggy,it is only when I put my hand down to stroke it fur and find nothing that I become aware of the ghost.

Shortly before his holiday my son woke and poured himself a glass of water,a cat which he assumed was Moth was washing it's whiskers while sitting on his armchair,suddenly it dawned on him that this cat was black,and when Moth strolled in through the door he was much taken aback!

Moth id very fond of our spectral cat and the two of them play chase for hours,hiding from each other under beds or behind the shower curtain. Our neighbours cat, a dashing tom cat named Harry takes a haughty air in it'd presence,well his is still quite young.

Our ghostly cat has become as much a part of the family as our other cats and I feel that we should name it,and there is the problem. Black cats names such as Sooty,are out of the question and I am loath to call it Spook in case it takes offence

Privately I call him Bast after the Egyptian cat God of that name,it suits him too. On the other hand he is so playful that perhaps my choice is to solemn! Perhaps he already has a name. OH well even with all theses trouble he will cause less problems the the other cats,after all ghosts don't eat!

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