Saturday, 21 December 2013


Today my son and I attempted to tie up all the loose ends before settling down to enjoy ourselves. There have been a few un-posted cards and although I feel bad about it I hope old friends will forgive this minor transgression under the circumstances

I still have the dreaded chocolate log to make and the Christmas cake to ice but these are trifles and will not take long. Apart from this the major tasks are done to my equal amazement and relief!

This being the shortest day it is our night for lighting lots of candles to chase the bad spirits from the dark corners and to encourage the return of the sun. It is also a feast day and so another roast dinner had to be prepared, and shared.

Earlier in the day I went out in the squally rain to buy some special treats for our cats whose tastes are rather expensive,so what,they are cats after all. The strong wind blew my hood off as fast as I managed to pull it back over my dishevelled hair,by and by I gave up and drove down the hight street like a Valkyrie with my hair blowing like a mane behind,much to the amusement of a group of passing children.

In the shops and on the streets people were yelling Merry Christmas to each other in spite of the rain and wind,or perhaps because of it. Hats,umbrellas and newspapers which had escaped from their owners added to the chaotic feel of outdoors and yet it was fun. Even so I was glad to turn towards home as the little light there was began to fade.

No spectacular sunset tonight, no gilded clouds, and yet the grey hazy winter light made the trees in the shelter belt look fuzzy and soft,almost welcoming and warm and I thought of all the small inhabitants of the wood scurrying about , and like me ,heading for their nest holes after the last foray of the day.
The wood has many large squirrel drays high up in the trees and I am always amazed that they seem to survive even the most severe gales.

Out cats have spent the entire day indoors,curled up on a bed, a sofa or a radiator,theses days they have little inclination to venture outside,all except Harry who is a hardy soul and very macho!

Our candles will burn until first light tomorrow, a pledge ,if you like or and act of faith if you prefer.
I love all the light and colour,the panoply and pageant of Christmas ,but I am Pagan to the very centre of my bones as were my ancestors and so tonight ,we feast,we drink and we hope for good fortune in the coming year.

Tomorrow the nights begin to draw out again,imperceptibly at first,but soon the evenings will open out again. For now it is time for winter pleasures ,festivals and arcane ritual, do light a candle if you would like to, pagan or not and you will be a small part in an ancient festival after all what's the harm in bringing a little light to the world.

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