Tuesday, 24 December 2013


How the storm did rage about all through last night,great trees and chimney pots were destroyed in the onslaught. The noise of the wind in my own ancient and very tall chimneys was alarming to say the least and I barely slept at all, on the odd occasion when I dozed off the tearing sound of a falling tree or the more alarming sound of dislodged roof tiles, and the whistling of the wind through the old windows jerked me awake at once.

By morning the wind had dropped somewhat but soon rain set in once more and it was discovered that a journey to the shops was necessary - not a very promising start. Soon however things began to take a turn for the better as the Christmas meats arrived, and were in fact actually early. Our usual driver had struggled in to work only to discover that there was no one there and the power was out, all he could do was go home. Then he remembered seeing our name on the manifest, he took a torch and searched until he found our meat boxes which he delivered as usual.

We had half expected that the meats would not come after the violence of the storm - that our friendly delivery man should go to so much trouble on our behalf had me close to tears. He refused any kind of tip or gift,and stoutly headed back to his van,his journey was impeded by many hugs and much handshaking........what a hero!

Following a fast breakfast I set off to do my shopping and met so many friends that it took me ages to get home. The turkey was smelling delicious, the whole gammon soaking in a massive pen of cold water and we were preparing the table between us when there was a knock at the door,which proved to be a neighbour who's cat practically lives here, bringing with her flowers, chocolate and a lovely card.

Next another friend turned up with a bottle of fine old port for Pa! Everyone was being so kind it was a real boast to my flagging morale. Our dinner was lovely and we all agreed that it had been a wonderful day, a day when good deeds came home to us and the kindness even of strangers echoed the true meaning of the time of Christmas.

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