Wednesday, 25 December 2013



Today was for me, everything I could have wished, a quiet happy day with my family,and our collection of cats. Gifts exchanged and dinner eaten and cleared away I find myself very tired but oh so very happy.

All I wish now is that all of you had a happy day too. Watching the news it is very evident that there are many for who Christmas Day has been far from pleasant and my heart goes out to them and their families. Yet even in these times the floods have brought people together in the true spirit of Christmas, giving of themselves and of their time rather than in the form of a gift or card.

Any one who reads my blog regularly will know that I am not a Christian ,but at this time of year it is right that we consider others less fortunate than ourselves,those in difficulties such as the people whose homes have been flooded or who were unable to get home for Christmas, victims of was ,the many who need help.

There are many stories of ruined Christmases and there are many more stories of acts of kindness, generosity of spirit and courage to balance these events. All over the country the spirit of the season has shone through and helping hands extended to those in need. This kind of giving is truly a two way thing as both the giver and the one who has received feel better for the human warmth which such acts engender.

In the past we have cooked a Christmas dinner for a large family whose oven blew up on Christmas morning. We have given shelter to the victims of a road accident in snowy weather one Christmas Eve ,we have even given shelter to a young woman in labour who arrived half way through the Christmas pudding, and who later gave birth to a lovely little boy,thankfully in hospital rather than a snowy country lane. All these things disturbed the normal family Christmas, yet they remain in our hearts for ever as warm ,and happy memories as all kindness will.

This year our Christmas was peaceful and without any such excitement,and speaking for myself having Pa home from hospital just in time and all the difficulties of the past weeks has left me ready for some quiet time.

So to everyone ,everywhere a Happy Christmas, where ever or however you may find it.

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