Now if the truth be
told I have a very sentimental side to my character, of which I am
less than proud and which over the years I have been at pains to
It was I who cried as
if her heart would break every time the teacher read “Bambi!" OK so
I was only five years old at the time but he other kids gave me hell
over it!
“Lassie come Home”
shown at school as a Christmas treat had a similar effect....and
still does!
“Its a Wonderful
Life”wonderful film really gets the waterworks going especially the
I was the mother who
cried her eyes out when the infants class sang “Away In a Manger”,
I it was who sobbed for
a hour after the final episode of “Morse”
You will by now begin
to see my really can be a scourge.
Today I came totally
unglued in,of all places T esco while shopping for some Christmas
Shortly before entering
the store I had been talking to Pa on my mobile,the poor boy is still
in hospital and the doctors are concerned that the wound left by his
operation is not healing as it should. We had all pinned our hopes on
having him home today or tomorrow at the latest, now it looks as if
we shall be lucky if we get him home by Monday next.
At the end of our
conversation Pa said,in a small sad voice”I just want to come
home.” and I was still reeling from this sad plea as I entered the
Before continuing I
must in my defence tell you that knowing my weakness In have
deliberately kept the radio turned off and eschewed any programme on
T.V which might contain carols....all to no avail.
I trundled in to the
supermarket to the opening strains of Bing Crosby singing “Have
Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” and in that moment I was lost.
It was hopeless to blink back the tears which were already misting up
my glasses, the lights were bright,the shop was crowded and there was
nowhere to hide. It was awful.
By the time the song
ended I was a complete wreck and had used up all the paper tissues
from my handbag. I was aware that people were looking oddly at me but
thankfully no one asked me any questions. One dear little child of
about five stared at me for a long time and then suddenly gave me a
hug and said”Don't be sad, it's Christmas.” bless her little
I arrived home tired
and still very sad, my son, my tower of strength welcomed me in, took
the heavy bags to the kitchen and helped me to unpack. Almost as if
he knew what have happened he said. “Mum, were going to start
Christmas tonight, we need a treat.” And so we did. Once again I am
astonished at his insight and innate wisdom. He would never call his
old mum soppy,never,bless his darling heart.
hope he's back soon
Sorry to say he will be in at least until next