Monday, 13 June 2011


Last night I slept, for the first time in almost a week, I did wake a couple of time during the night but I was so groggy that I fell asleep again almost at once. Waking this morning was like climbing out of a well,it took the better part of an hour for me to wake and to stay awake . Thank the Gods that I was unable to make bread today, I can not imagine how it would have turned out with my brain in such a state of fogginess.

Having collected myself at last I provided viands for the boys, cheese on toast this morning and having little to do I went on line, found some nice jam jar labels and down loaded them for use on my jam jars. The site I used is called Domestifluff and I heartily recommend it to any one who requires some good no nonsense labels. Once upon a time we designed new labels every year, I no longer have the leisure for this and I am grateful to these on line sites, they ,make my life a little easier.

Pa had an appointment with his G.P. this after noon, I prefer him to have afternoon appointments as this means that I do not have to spend ages waking him up to be ready on time. Even so it can be tricky getting him out of the house as he has no concept of time what-so-ever, an irritating character trait which he shares with my darling mother. I grew up in a wild and lonely place you understand and there was only one bus a week which took us to the nearest market town. This bus left promptly at nine in the morning, not that early really and yet not once that I can recall did we catch that bus with pit having to run for it. I have always been punctual and this type of slackness makes me cross as I am frequently made late by the dawdling of others. That makes me sound a complete pill.. perhaps I am!

With Pa out of the way and my son resting I headed for the garden to plant out some beetroot seedlings, pick some fruit and to plant a new catnip bush for Twiggy, the one she already has is getting sparfse through over use as every cat in the village is now getting high in our front garden, often with noisy consequences. When other cats are around Twiggy adopts a proprietorial air and even quite large Tom cats are forced to flee from her wrath if they take liberties,when Twiggy ha s a hissy fit she is a force to be reckoned with.

When Pa returned from his appointment he too was in a hissy fit as the appointment had been cancelled because all the doctors were in a meeting, no one had bothered to tell Pa. Of course they claimed to have tried several times to let him know but as his mobile phone log showed no evidence of any calls from the surgery it would appear that they were not being exactly truthful. Pa now has another appointment on Friday at ten in the morning, God help us all!

The recent rain has done wonders for the fruit crop and this afternoon I picked a large bowl of early raspberries, these are destined to be steeped in vodka to make a delicious liqueur for Christmas. Some one bought a bottle of Raspberry vodka to the party yesterday and it is still haunting the kitchen as it is horrible. It tastes as if someone has dissolvedd a couple of pounds of Harribosweetss in alcohol and it is truly vile.
The strawberries are producing larger fruit and the gooseberries are as big as ping- pong balls, just right for gooseberry tart of gooseberries cobbler if only my oven was working.

Mt son woke very early this morning and as a consequence is very tired , not a good thing as he has to work tonight, he puts a brave face on things for my sake but I can easily see how he really feels, you can never fool your mother and that is absolute.

Now it is my turn for the bathroom and I shall have to anoint the numerous insect bites I squired while fruit picking this afternoon, a plague take the little devils, I look like “Spotty Mulldoon.” I can not help wondering what tomorrow will bring, good or bad I will take what comes, that is all any of us can do.

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