Saturday, 4 June 2011


Something rather odd has happened to my feet during the past few days, they are covered in hundreds of spots, some pink and some bright red., I have theses markings no where else, for which mercy much thanks because they make my feet look most peculiar. While watching X Men last night I wondered if I had evolved any other powers to go with my spotty tootsies, I tried telekinesis but found that I had not improved enough to get excited about. Next I had a go at mind reading but I do not think that the cat was cooperating , besides every one knows how inscrutable cats are.
Levitation did not work and having tried to boil a kettle using the power of thought I decided that If Pa and I were to have a hot chocolate drink I had better resort to a more orthodox method, so I put the kettle on. These spots have now begun to itch, I wonder if it is possible to get Measles on just ones feet, perhaps it is an allergic reaction but to what. On balance I think that I am in the process of mutating so lookout for something wrinkly and spotty, that will be me!

Today has been busy as usual but at least the jobs today were seasonal rather than the hum-drum round of washing ,cleaning, ironing and so forth. Picking fruit is a pleasant but tiring job and when the fruits being picked are gooseberries it can be very painful too. Today the bushes yielded several three of fruit and about half a pound of thorns some of which are lodged in places not to be mentioned in polite I shan't
The strawberries did even better and this means that tomorrow I shall be making more jam. I did get my revenge upon the vicious gooseberry bushes, whiles picking the fruit I also managed to do quite a bit of the summer pruning, that will teach them to mess with me!

With an eye to our winter comforts I laid down a bottle of blueberry vodka and another of cherry brandy, I used black cherries as these give a better colour and the blueberry vodka was such a success last year that I intend to make several bottles this time. The raspberry vodka with I made earlier this week is already showing a beautiful rich red and will glow wonderfully by Christmas.

The village is suffering at the moment from a sudden plague of rats, no one knows why they have suddenly appeared in such numbers, we just wish that they would go away. It is because we have so much wild life in our garden that I have no wish to put poison down, the poisoned grain which is used can all too easily be eaten by other animals or birds so it is with reluctance that I have decided to shot the rats and so far it seems to be working. For several days after a rat has been shot they others seem to stay clear of our garden, when they return I shoot another and so it continues. My weapon of choice is an air riffle which is quiet and clean, I really hate killing the rats , they can be so cute but unfortunately not every one agrees with me and at least the rest of the wildlife in our gardens will not fall prey to poison.

Now picture this, a lady with a straw hat, a limp and spotty toes protruding from her sandals toting a gun as she sits topping and tailing the gooseberries in the garden, its enough to make a cat laugh, move over Rooster Cogburn, here comes Aunty Avie!

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