Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Dawn broke as they say ans I was wide awake, the morning mist did strange things coming and going several times before finally vanishing in an instant at around five. I fell asleep at last at about seven and my son brought me coffee at eight, to say that I am a little weary today is a gross understatement.
As soon as my son had gone to bed and P a had breakfasted I whizzed off the the shops to buy a few necessaries, having the oven out of action has thrown a very large spanner in to the household works and I have had to rethink our menus for the next few days. I was home before eleven thirty and after tidying up the kitchen I went out to pick fruit, once again the mozzies were very much in evidence but this time I had rubbed my skin with elder leaves. As a child I used to weave them in to the headband on the horses harness to keep the flies off and it worked well for the horse so why not for me? I must admit that I smelled like a cats earth box but it seemed to do the trick.
There were plenty of gooseberries, Tay berries and raspberries today as well as a few strawberries, all in all quite a good haul. Picking fruit had made me very hot and sticky so I set of down to the river to visit my pet swan and to take a few photographs. The tide was high and boats on the river made a lovely wash, it is a sound that I love. Swany was in his usual spot waiting for food and he came straight towards me as he always does, I have known him to cross the road to come and see me, he is such a sweety.
I had not been out long when my Mobile phone rang, the electrician had arrived and so I hurried home. Trying to explain the problem caused by a fault oven to a man who has never cooked is like trying to knit fog! He kept on telling me that the oven was working and so it was, if that is it was turned up a high as possible, even Yorkshire puddings would be tricky with a fan assisted oven at maximum. It was in vain that I tried to explain about the necessary temperature for sponge cakes, biscuits, egg custards and so on, as far was he was concerned the oven was on and so the oven was working.
At last he appeared to grasp a little of what I was telling him and after fiddling about for a while had said that he had fixed the problem and all would now be well. With that he departed leaving us scratching our heads , I quickly made five loaves and put them in the oven, this is not really a fair trial as bread is cooked at high temperature but at least now we have bread again. Tomorrow I shall try cakes, that will be a better test of t=weather the oven is fixed of-r not.
Throughout the day my mobile phone has been ringing it's head off, I had no idea that I was so damned popular, if it was not for the fact that I need to keep in constant touch with Pa if either of us are out I should drop the wretched thing in to the Thames this very evening. The human race is fast becoming the slave of technology. Years ago there was a television programme called “Tomorrows World”, its presenters would constantly talk of the time when everything was automated, when we had communicators as they did on “Star Trek”. A time when everything would be run or made by computers and mankind would be free............so what happened. Certainly many thongs are made by machine these h=days leaving mankind to draw unemployment benifit and be called a scrounger!
Now that we have mobile telephones any Tom, Dick or Harry can disturb our peace and quiet whenever they wish and answer phones and voice mail make sure that you cannot claim that you did not get the message. E mails, the devils own invention mean that every time I switch on my computer I am obliged to read a mass of epistles for all and sundry and worse than all I have to reply to them. Speaking for myself I had much more free time before these pestiferous gadgets were invented...........”beam me up Scotty!”
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