Tuesday, 28 June 2011


I do not know what happened at my son's place of work last night, but whatever it was he was as mad as a hornet when he arrived home from work this morning. He keeps on saying that he cannot talk about it but this morning when I asked what the trouble was he muttered darkly that the next time some one called him liar..........I did not catch the rest, what the hell is going on is what I want to know, and I also want to know who is calling him a liar and why?

He spent all of last week worrying about what was happening at work and told me that their might be another meeting thought in the end nothing happened. Whatever is going on it has made him extremely unhappy and angrier that I have ever known him to be. All he would say before he went off to bed was that the he intended to spend no more time worrying about the loud mouthed troublemaking b*****d's and that they were not worth a s**t! It is a fool who makes an enemy of my son, he is honourable, honest and loyal to the last degree and will stand through thick and thin by his friends, but once some one proves they are not worthy of his loyalty he can be a dangerous and implacable enemy.

I want to help him but I am batting in the dark, all I know is that whatever is is that he is having to deal with he does not like it one little bit. If he takes my advice he will tell them, who ever they are to s** **f, he does not have to justify himself to any one, and if he won't say it I will SOD OFF , or words to that effect!

The heat kept me awake again last night and I felt rusty this morning as I went down stairs the make breakfast for Pa and I. To cheer us up a made eggs Florentine, we only have this when there is tender young spinach in the garden and at the moment there is a plentiful supply. It was a lovely meal even though it made a lot of washing up, it was worth it.

The moth man arrived as we finished our meal to check the contents of the moths trap installed last night in our garden. This time there were many moths hiding beneath the egg boxes at the bottom of the trap, it was a warm and sultry night , just the weather moths enjoy most and we were pleased with our catch. After cataloguing the moths they were released in to the orchard carefully so that they would not attract the attention of hungry birds, he went away delighted and I reappeared to got to the shops.

Barely had I reached the end of the lane when the first rumbles of thunder rattled the air, the violence of the storm increased rapidly and by the time I reached the supermarket the storm was directly over head and the lightening was wonderful to behold. My main purchase today was a small bin for the kitchen, our old one ,after five years of hard labour had developed a leak and was spilling its noisome contents all over the kitchen floor.

The sound of the storm could be heard up stairs in the household department and the noise on the rain increased and then quite suddenly change to an ear splitting drumming which became louder and louder. Children began to cry and people stopped in their tracks looking scared, I went down in the lift to see what was occurring and was astonished at what I saw. Hail stones larger than marbles were pelting down in such numbers that the view across the car park a=was totally obscured for a while. Inside people were leaving their trolleys in the aisles and rushing out side to close car windows, raise sun roofs and just to see in if their vehicles were being damaged by the storm.

Having finished my shopping I put on my rain poncho, and fared forth rash fool that I am. The hail had stopped but the rain was now heavy and there were deep puddles everywhere. Intrepid to the last I ploughed on through the rain and spray and made home in record time only just a little bit soaked to the skin and feeling very adventurous. Soon afterwards restored by a hot coffee I installed the new bin, put the old one out for recycling and got on with a few chores.
Tonight should be cooler we are promised and I sincerely hope that it is, my eyes are tired and heavy from lack of sleep and resemble gooseberries in syrup, not a pretty sight!
I shall be glad when this week is at an end, the tension is unbearable, my son is livid and I hope that things sort themselves out before he blows a gasket and gives some one a right royal rocket, it is coming there is nothing so certain.

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