Monday, 20 June 2011


Do you remember my telling you about our problems with the new owners of the house across the road. They had without planning permission built a large wooden stable block within a couple of feet of our neighbours kitchen window. Today victory is ours and they have begun to tear it down, with a very bad grace I might add. These people are incredibly wealthy and believed that they could do as they pleased without let or hindrance, now they know better. Score one for the peasants!

My son starts his week off today which is just as well. I do not think that I have ever seen him angrier than he has been this week, a break will, I hope restore his usual calm otherwise I fear some one may be lucky to get away with just an mouth full of course abuse. Provoke a patient man at your peril!

After a breakfast of poached eggs on toast I escaped to the garden, first to mow and edge that grass paths in the flower garden and then to strim out the pathways in the vegetable garden. This is a job which I have been attempting to do for over a fortnight and finally today I got the job done., and not before time as the grass was so long that it twizzled around the strimmer head and made much trouble. Every where looks better for the attention and I am pleased to have finished before that rains came again. I understand that the forecast for the week is abysmal.

We were interested to watch lots of classic cars arriving today for a rally of some sort, there is a beautiful vintage Morgan, a type of three wheeled sports car. I have always said that I would by one if I ever won the lottery, actually I would buy a traction engine because they have so many uses and besides I love steam driven machines. Incidentally if any one knows the whereabouts of a Showman's Engine called “The Pride of the North would they please let me know where she is. I saw her last at the Chelford Steam Rally in Cheshire about Thirty years ago, she is black, shiny and stunningly beautiful. I fell in love with her in 1976 and have adored her ever since, she is a living c
breathing creature who throbs with power and life, as to can see I am besotted!

This afternoon I planted some Nicotiana scented lime, these plants have a glorious scent and I plant them for the moths as their fragrance is strong in the evening, these with the evening primroses will I hope bring a good many species in to the garden. Speaking of insects, today I managed to photograph a rather lovely beetle, iridescent green, quite small but very striking among the yellow flowers. Now that the lavender is in flower the garden is full of bees of all species, butterflies and a host of assorted bugs, this state of affairs is not at all to the liking of our cat Twiggy who has been wary of things that buzz since she sat upon a wasp. Such an accident is no laughing matter I did the same thing myself a few years ago and sitting down was most inconvenient for several days afterwards!

My son's new Television arrived this afternoon and he has spent a happy time trying it our with his Play station,I hope this will occupy his mind this week and distract his thoughts from certain matters which have been making him cross of late.

And now we are all going to have an early night, my son is in the bath now and he will soon be fast asleep, Pa and I will not be far behind and then it will be up to Twiggy to decide upon who's bed she will sleep tonight. Once she curls up all will be peaceful, I hope. I happen to know that she let loose a mouse in the living room this afternoon. I have kept this information strictly to my self as I have no intention of spending the evening big game hunting while the cat snoozes in an armchair. With a little luck she will catch the poor creature before morning, of better still it may escape through the window..I shall live in hope.

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