Friday, 30 September 2011


I was far too excited to sleep much last night, I just could not believe that we got a result at last. I called my M. P.s secretary this morning and arraigned a meeting , she asked me if I minded her bringing along a few of our local councillors ….would I mind...I have been trying to get them here for the last two years!
Our committee is calling an extra ordinary meeting to coincide with the visit and I shall round up all the locals who have been complaining about t the amount of building in the area.

Realising that this will amount to quite a crown I intend to ask my neighbour if we can borrow his house for the occasion as he has an open plan living room and a much smaller kitchen than ours so there will be more room for the merry throng. I am going to be very busy indeed for the next few weeks.

Next Wednesday I am meeting with the head of human resources who is coming all the way from Northumberland to see us about our ongoing problems with our land lords land agent.
A friend of mine who knows about such matters as this is sitting in and taking notes, so that should be fun. Before this meeting I need to contact Pa's trade union, resurrect a load of documents and sort though a mountain of paper work going back a good few years, so it is small wonder that I did not sleep last night.

To have things moving at last after all the months and months of effort is wonderful yet I feel that I have been catapulted into the middle of things and I am in a flat spin.
What this illustrates however is that even one insignificant person such as myself can, if they are determined raise such a rucksack that eventually even politicians begin to take notice.

Of course things may not go our way but now we have hope,hope that perhaps we can save our garden, hope that we can stop the felling of trees for no reason and hope that we shall, at last be allowed to live in peace in our home with no further harassment from our landlord.

Halfway through the major Friday cleaning some visitors arrived and by by the time they left at almost four we were well behind with the chores. In his haste to finish the hoovering my son accidentally sucked a hot water bottle covering into the extremely powerful machine which then commenced to smoke alarmingly. Fortunately the damage was not permanent and after extracting the foreign body he resumed the job with more care.

Pa arrived home expecting that all the cleaning would be finished and we had not even begun to do the downstairs rooms.

The decorates arrived at eight this morning and put up their ladders, at nine their union rep arrived and they spent the next five hours in conference on our garden seat, after which they painted the front door before going home early...nice work if you can get it. I am jolly glad that I am not paying them.

This weeks comings and goings have provided our little cat with a great deal of entertainment. Sitting on a catnip bush she has watched with interest all the strange doings and listened to all the arguments an cursing, she will miss them when they finally leave........make it soon!

I have just returned from a visit with my neighbour during which we discussed plans for the meeting, he has much experience in thee matters and his contribution to our campaign could be make or break for us. He is a clever young man and he loves this area as much as we do his knowledge of procedure at meeting will be invaluable and we are lucky to have him, on our side.
More than anything right now I need a bad, truly I am not fit company for a hog at the moment having worked hard on such a hot day, pheeeeeeeeeeeew!
I will wish you a good night and pleasant dreams and for those who must work through the not a quiet uneventful night,

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