Wednesday, 14 September 2011


Pa had a hospital appointment this morning for the final fitting of his calliper and we decided on pancakes for breakfast as they are quick to do. With breakfast over we saw Pa off on the buggy and I began to wash the dishes. No sooner had I finished than there was a knock on the door, it was a good friend and as I was making toad in the hole for dinner tonight I decided that it would do no harm to make him some pancakes and save the extra batter for later.

The mix was made, the tea was ready and the first pancake served when another friend we have not seen for some time arrived and joined the party, I had by now been cooking pancakes for and hour. It was fun to sit and gossip as they finished their meal of five pancakes each and I made another pot of tea to drink as we talked.

One O clock came and Pa returned from hospital without his calliper, every time he goes there is some new excuse for the delay. One of the guests had to leave and as we showed him out someone else arrived, a friend of the second visitor who plumped himself down on a chair and beamed around at us. Now I was to have gone out as soon as Pa returned from hospital and before going I should have washed my hair and changed my clothes neither of which I had time to do. Add to this the fact that none of us likes this last visitor much, it is odd but non of us are quite sure why. Even more strange is the fact that every one we know who also knows him says exactly the same, they do not like him but can not say why. Knowing that Pa would not appreciate being left with him I told them that I had to go out ,which was true, and that Pa must have a nap, which was not! I hate deceit in any form but needs must when the devil drives!

Thankfully they kleft without demure and I arranged to meet my friend again next week. When they had gone I quickly washed my hair and headed out to the shops for a few vital needs. The trip did not take long but long enough to mean that I had no time to strim the orchard pathways, I change into my old togs again and went in to the garden to cup some pumpkins, marrows, squashes and courgettes and a big bunch of sweet peas for Pa , When these were cleaned and stored away I began to prepare dinner wondering where the day had gone. Even so it is always good to see old friends and I did enjoy myself very much.

Now to bring you up to date on my sons book – sales seem to be going well at the moment, but the only hard data is this – of all the books on 'Astronautics' on Amazon, it is currently ranked ninth! Not just ebooks, either – of ALL the books! He's outselling Buzz Aldrin and Richard Branson! We are all pleased at how well it is doing, pleased but not surprised it is as I said yesterday a brilliant book and a darned good read.

Would it be wrong of me to wish that we could always be this happy, I suppose it would and yet …...........................

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