Saturday, 10 September 2011


Today began with a panic, out little cat Twiggy had stayed out all night, an unusual occurrence and this morning was no where to be seen,this has never happened before. On the odd occasion when a fine summer evening and an abundance of small game has tempted Her Ladyship she is always to be found on the doorstep next morning demanding food and attention in equal measure. Pa had been worrying all night and chose not to tell me. Bless him as he knew how upset I would be, I discovered the truth when I took him his morning coffee and then the worrying began.

Fortunately it did not last very long as about an hour later madam appeared in the kitchen with a casual air and went upstairs to sleep of her night on the tiles! Great was the relief at this welcome turn of events and Pa and I sat down to a breakfast of grilled kippers with bread and butter and a pot of tea in high spirits. Our little cat was home safe and soon our son would be home too, it was a jolly meal indeed.

Since the weather forecast for the next few days is abysmal Pa filled extra feeders for the birds just in case it was difficult for us to get out to refill the feeders. While he attended to that I began the preparations for a welcome home feast, of roast Guinea fowl, roasted potatoes, baked courgettes runner beans and stuffing served with apple sauce and thyme gravy. The garden is producing some lovely fresh vegetables at the moment and we are making the most of them at every opportunity.

After many delays due to the vagaries of Cross Rail my son arrived home at two forty five, he looked so good in his rugged outdoor clothes , to say that I was glad to see him just does not say enough, we all hugged and hugged.

Safe and sound in his newly furbished room the traveller caught up with his e mails which took quite a while. Dinner just needed to be cooked and the bird went in to the oven on good time for an early meal followed by an early night. We talked over our various doings during the week and listened to the travellers tales with interest, then tired but relaxed he took a bath and went off to bed .
The house is full of life again and all is well those we love are safe and sound and we still have a whole week of the holiday left to enjoy. I am sure that there can be nothing better in life than to have such joy in a son as we have in ours, he makes me proud every day of his life and his maturity and strength,combined with gentleness and generosity are what make him a rare and special person. There speaks the fond Mama of course but those who truly know him feel as I do and he has many friends many of which he has kept since early childhood.

I shall now cease to bore you with this parental praise fest and take a bath myself, The cat is safely curled up on my bed, my son is resting in his room Pa is happily reading his railway magazine, I really need no more that this for perfect happiness and I wish with all my heart the same happiness for you. Goodnight.

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