Saturday, 3 September 2011


While tidying my room this morning and running through my mind the many tasks which needed to be done today an old episode of “Upstairs Downstairs” was playing . It was the episode in which the family had gone of to Scotland for the grouse shooting taking old Hudson as valet cum gillie cum anything else His Lordship needed , it is not a favourite episode so I switched it off and carried on tidying.

Later, having cooked a breakfast of poached eggs on toast for the boys, washed up, met , greeted and made tees for my sons friends and dealt with the mail I went upstairs to do the ironing....not comment......! Today the task was more than usually arduous as I was also packing my sons cases for his holiday which starts on Monday. I set up the Ironing board, found the cases and while the iron heated up I booked a taxi to take the traveller to Paddington Station on Monday morning.

It was while I was lovingly folding the last shirt to pack that I remembered poor old Hudson and it occurred to me that our positions in the household are much alike, the only difference is that he actually went to Scotland with the luggage whereas I shall remain here on board wages as it were to look after Pa. It is just as well that my sense of humour is in good working order of I could easily become unhappy about the situation.

I recently purchased anew bird box, I large one for the small birds to roost in during the bad weather and this afternoon armed with a large hammer and some nails I went to find a suitable location for this birds des res. This was not as easy as one might suppose as there are already many nest boxes dotted about the garden, in trees and on the walls or tucked under the ivy. The box must be sited high enough so the madam Twiggy cannot reach for although she does not usually bother birds one likes to be sure. Then there are the rates who are not above taking the odd birds egg given the chance. Really in was quite a bossiness but at last a suitable location was found in the hardest bit of old wall I have ever d the misfortune to encounter, and guess who forgot to but masonry nails.....that’s right!

Much hammering, cursing, bruised thumbs and bent nails later I surveyed the new abode with pride and walked up the garden path, pleased with my effort, but pride goeth before a fall and that is exactly what happened , the bird box fell of the wall with a clatter and I returned to try again. More cursing more bent nails and more anguished yelps ans the hammer hit my thumb again. From the other side of the wall a voice filled with concern ask if I was quite alright an I replied that I was perfectly fine thank you, it sounded like our vicar......remembering my language I do hope not!

Typing is difficult at the moment due to the unpicturesque state of my finger ends and I still have Pa's new curtains to hang before I an finished for the day...What I need is a footman, or a parlourmaid, in any event I shall delegate this task to my tall son and I shall sit giving instructions in a ;lordly manner..that will be fun for a change.

How lovely the weather has been today, the ivy is common in to flower and is full of bees. The moth trap is going out in my garden this evening for possibly the last time this year and we are hoping for some rare ones and praying that it does not rain before morning or muggings here will have to get up, go out side in her dressing gown and bring the blessed thing indoors. Even Hudson did not have to mess about with moth traps........Ho Hum!

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