Friday, 9 September 2011


The kitchen was like a production line today with the preparations for my sons return tomorrow. Was up early and made two wholemeal loaves , while they were baking Pa and I had our breakfast of pancakes and lemon and then it was back to more baking. After whipping up a large bowl of oatcake batter I made two Russian cracked wheat and honey loaves, these are a real treat toasted , the bread is sweet of course as each loaf contains two tablespoons of honey and the texture is amazing.

By the time the cracked wheat bread was set to rise the oatcake batter was ready and so turned my attention back to the griddle and about an hour and a half later five dozen oatcakes stood cooling on the kitchen table and the house smelled wonderful. The wheat loaves which take longer to cook than ordinary bread were ready about half an hour later and I surveyed the kitchen with satisfaction. There were enough oatcakes for dinner tonight and plenty more for a breakfast with grilled cheese and another main meal of bacon eggs and mushrooms next week.

By the time I had tidied the kitchen, and what a job that was I was very hot and rather tired , fresh air was needed and so settling Pa down with a new railway magazine I set off for a run.
I had not decided were to go, just to be out was enough but soon I reached the canal and I could not resist a ride along the tow path. Last year I went for about half a mile along the canal side and had intended to explore this year, time got away from me and until today I have been no further.

The air was warm and the sense of going somewhere that I had never been before was tempting so I set off at my top speed of eight miles per hour to see how far I could get. Everywhere the scent of ivy flowers filled the air and the call of coots warning their offspring , now well grown not to wander to far it was pleasant to hear after the traffic noise of the roads. Locks and bridges of all types and sizes from small lading bridges to huge motorway flyovers crossed the canal and yet hardly any of the surrounding buildings could be seen/.On this stretch of the Grand Union beautiful trees and flowers caught my eye and around every bend there seemed to be something new and exciting to wonder at.

After a few miles I crossed a lading bridge and continued on the other side of the canal. The steepness of this bridge surprised me and Realising that I had set out without a fully charged battery I decided that I had better not go much further if I was to be sure of having enough power to manage the bridges steep incline on the return journey.

Dark and green and overhung with trees the canal stretched invitingly ahead and it it was not without a pang of regret that I turned towards home with my head full of plans for returning one day very soon, this time with full power. Having lost all track of time I was astonished to find that it was after four by the time I arrived back home and after changing I headed to the kitchen again for the final onslaught of the day.

Eggs, bacon, cheese, tomatoes and mushrooms with six of the new batch of oatcakes each made our meal tonight and and iced cream to finish, just the sort of meal Pa and I used to eat years ago after a day spent splitting logs or digging the garden. Once again I washed up and tidied the kitchen and this time I was very weary, it had been a long day. Twiggy, bounced indoors with a newly caught mouse and was promptly bounced out again before she had the chance to let it disappear behind the washing machine. Her howls of protest at our lack of gratitude for her addition the the family larder were loud and long.

Longing for my bed ad a hot bath I bagged the bathroom first and now in a few moments I shall make a hot drink for Pa and I before settling down for the evening to watch a film.
Going somewhere new was wonderful and the memory of kingfishers coots, moor-hens and mallards will stay with me for a long time,
I am praying now for a fine Autumn so that with luck I can return to the canal and this time go much much further, it is a wonderful thought to sleep on and I feel that my world is suddenly not quote so small now.

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