Saturday, 3 December 2011


I woke this morning feeling much better having at last had a decent nights sleep,full of energy I planned to plough through a backlog of ironing and one or two other jobs which have been on hold for the past week or two. Breakfast was much later than I would have liked as Pa was not ready until eleven and my son,who arrived home feeling unwell did not go to bed until nearly twelve.
I decided to make a game pudding for dinner, this is just like a steak and kidney pudding but filled instead with a mixture of rabbit, venison, pheasant and hare. It is a great way of using up the trimmings and odd bits from larger cuts so it is more economical than it sounds
I made the usual suet pastry and then having lined the basin packed in the meat, a sliced onion, a few juniper berries and some beef stock with a good dollop of blackberry and apple jelly and the usual seasoning.

I think that game is much nicer when fruit is used in the cooking, venison especially is wonderful; when glazed with elderberry jelly of stewed with damsons. The pudding was left to steam for five ours needing only the occasional topping up with hot water, as the dish was to be served with garlic mashed potato and mushy peas I was now free to get on with the chores.
BUT! My son ordered a new computer two days ago and today it arrived, by degrees!

First the cables arrived by post, then the tower and key board by carrier, later the monitor arrived followed later still be a large box of disc. My son was looking forward very much to opening all theses packages tonight and the idea that I might while out of earshot miss any of the deliveries was to dreadful to contemplate and as Pa had to go out I was obliged to picket the living room in order not to miss these deliveries.

I had hoped by this time that the intercom would have been fitted but although it arrived several days ago the part that fits on the front door was wired incorrectly and had to be returned. We are still awaiting the replacement.

Pa returned at three,about half and hour after the last package arrived and by this time there was not much time left to get of with the chores. Resigned I made Pa a cup of coffee and decided to wash my hair. I did manage to do a little of the ironing including my sons Christmas fancy dress, the rest a had to leave for another day.

I was not happy at all but as the boys told me later I should not be doing too much at the moment. The trouble is that when the boys or my GP tell me to rest they do not tell my who is going to do all the neglected chores, it takes a woman to think of that and I do not find sitting in a steadily growing pile of tat and gathering dust at all relaxing.

Dinner time arrived and disaster struck, while distracted by the endless streams of white vans which pulled up out side our house,some for us, some for next door, some for the house across the way and some just plain lost, I had forgotten to keep the pudding topped up with water and so the top part was not cooked.
The foxes had a bloody banquet and we sent out for Chinese!

Naturally I was distinctly dis-chuffed at this turn of events and the boys were bereft as the pudding had smelled divine. I have promised them another next week but have stipulated that I shall not be answering the door to anyone !

Having proved today that nothing is foolproof I find myself still with a cupboard full of ironing and a thousand and one preparations for Christmas still undone. I did manage to wash my hair and the embellishments on my sons Christmas fancy dress look very effective indeed.
I do hope that tomorrow will be a more productive day and one thing is certain, as it is a Sunday there will be NO Bloody DELIVERIES. HOORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
P.S. I watched my son unwrapping his packages and as he got to the final one his shoulders began to shake and a smothered giggle was heard. It was obvious that he was trying disparately not to laugh for fear of upsetting me, intrigued I asked him what was so funny and he collapsed in a heap and thrust the parcel in to my hands. Printed on the side of the box was the legend. “NO FRUSTRATION GUARENTEED”..You couldn’t make it up!

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