Tuesday, 6 December 2011


Some days you just can not take a trick, on others like today good things just kept on happening. We had a wonderful start to the day with everyone at there best during breakfast, after which my son headed off to town and I set about preparing dinner.

Our first caller was the buggy repair man whom we had called to fix the head lights, the bad news was that the repair could be expensive, the fantastic news was that he had a second hand buggy for us too look at, We have been wanting one for a while but good ones from a reputable dealer are as rare as hens teeth, This one is just a year old and sounded perfect. He brought the buggy over for us to look at and he had not exaggerated it was perfect,only one year old and with not a mark on it, low mileage and a host of improvements. Our original buggy, bought from the same dealer is almost six years old and there have been a lot of developments during the past few years.

The new one has a swivel seat, tyres that cannot puncture,full back support, indicator lights and quite a few other features we have yet to explore. If some one had told me this morning that by tonight our search for a new buggy would be over I would not have believed them.
The dealer gave us a good price too, a new model would cost around a thousand five hundred pounds, we put a lot of business his way and so I suppose he was willing to help us . I am still astonished as even on bay I could not have got so good a price and I would have had to pay to have it collected from where ever it happened to be. Our luck certainly was in today.

Next came a lovely man to connect us to the link, this is a sort of panic button that we can press in an emergency. I have been trying to get us on to this facility for ages and to finally be connected is a considerable load off my mind. Now if anything happens to Pa during the night or if he has a fall while I am out he can get help at once and I am so happy that I would turn a cart wheel if I wasn't disabled!

My son returned from town with an array of goodies, the sort of hard to get bits and pieces with normally give me a headache at this time of year. This will save me another trip to the supermarket and I find it hard to express my total gratitude for this blessing.

The kind man who fitted the link line told me that I should be claiming attendance allowance and was puzzled to know why I am not doing so. The answer is simple, I was not aware that I was eligible to make a claim. If the claim is successful it will help to pay for all the extra care and special and equipment that we need.

Two days ago I ordered an oil cloth covering for the kitchen table and today it arrived. These are normally very expensive, this cost just nine pounds with free postage. To be honest I was not expecting much but to my amazement it is actually real oil cloth and not the cheap plastic sort. It is red with white spots and suits the kitchen perfectly, more good fortune.

Our dinner of guinea fowl turned out beautifully too served with roast potatoes carrots and parsnips, home made stuffing, apple sauce and gravy. Our little cat was in attendance throughout the cooking and during the meal as guinea fowl is her favourite meat, pheasant runs a close second.

Later my son and I will watch a film while Pa plays with his model railway, this has been a perfect day for all of us, even Twiggy. With so many of my problems resolved I feel much more able to cope with Pa and with my own health problems. It feels as if we have been given an early Christmas gift. The Link is so important to people like us as it gives us security and helps us to remain independent. I cannot tell you how happy I am tonight and as I prepare for bed my heart is very light, one day can make all the difference in the world.

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