Thursday, 15 December 2011
Pheeeeew! What a day, there is rather a lot happening at the moment and it seems that every day passes more quickly than the last,so far things are going reasonably well, but there have been a few minor hiccups.
Rising early this morning I washed my hair before venturing down to the kitchen to bake the days bread,two split tins two baguettes a tray of bread rolls and a cottage loaf smothered in poppy seeds. Unusually I made white bread today with the addition of lots of different seeds such as flax, millet and sesame, I suppose I felt like a change.
While the bread bake I made a breakfast of pancakes for Pa and I during which more parcels arrived...all for next door. Pa set off on the buggy to replenish our stock of food for the garden birds as the forecast is for very cold weather for the next few days. I stayed in and did still more Christmas baking, millionaires shortbread and a batch of fudge sauce to pour over our iced cream, Home made is so much nicer than the stuff in the shops and costs pennies to make.
Pa returned with a mountain of bird supplies, enough to last until after the holiday and with a surprise. While he was shopping one of the ladies for whom I bake bread gave him a carrier bag which contained three large bags of squirrel food, A very kind thought an typical of this lovely lady who cares for animals as much as we do. It will be a fine present for the ever hungry tribe of squirrels who visit the feeding stations daily, a truly wonderful gift.
I had decided to make a large batch of oatcakes for the holiday only to discover that we were almost out of oatmeal....we have been eating a lot of porridge of late.....and so as soon as Pa returned I set off on the new buggy to but some. I did not get far, just far enough to make gett8ng home both difficult and tiresome,in my haste to be gone I had not noticed that the buggies battery was almost flat and poor old Pa had forgotten to mention it.
How grateful I am that it was all down hill coming home or I should never have made pit at all. The buggy ran a t a crawl and finally conked out right outside our front gate.
I switched buggies and set off again, this time a managed to buy both the oatmeal and a cake base for a ginger cake which I am making for a friend. Now I have to rush as I had done nothing towards the preparation of dinner(chicken in the pot ) and I still had the kitchen to clear and my sons packed supper to make and although I went like a bat out of hell dinner was a trifle late.
Thankfully I was forgiven and as the meal was a favourite and there were fresh bread roll to eat with it all was well in the end.
The kitchen is filling up fast with cakes, cookies and sweets to the point where it is becoming difficult to find places to store everything, still it looks very festive and there is something comforting about abundance at this time of the year. Soon the cakes and cookies will be off in all directions as a friends call to collect their cakes and so on, Christmas is great fun.
Now that the business of the day is done I mean to relax this evening with a pile of cards and my list in the hope that by the time I am ready to sleep all will be finished...I can hope.
Goodnight all.
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