Wednesday, 14 December 2011


For over two years I have been attempting to obtain grate to have a stair lift fitted as both Pa and myself are disabled and also a walk in shower. Those of you who are regular readers will be aware of my struggles and frustrations. Just when I was on the verge of giving up the entire project,behold action. I the space of a week we have been put on the link for emergencies and today two people came to see about fitting both the stair lift and the shower in the New Year, after all this time and effort I simply cannot believe it.

I dare say that until the jobs are done I shall remain in disbelief but oh my ,what an amazing Christmas present for all of us. No longer shall I spend hours seeing Pa is safely bathed, no more worrying about him or myself falling down our very steep stairs. Our lives have been such a struggle since Pa became ill and this will make a huge difference to the quality of our lives.

I shall be able to go to sleep a t a reasonable hour. I shall no longer have to throw the laundry down the stairs of wait for my son to carry it back up again, but I must not count my chickens. Until the job is done as I suppose there could be problems, but for now there is hope,I am so happy.

Today I did some more baking , cookies again,special ones for a party later in the week. The stained glass window cookies which I made for the first time a few weeks ago came out much better this time as I knew exactly how much the cookie dough would rise and how big to make the centre. Next came some star cookies decorated with pink shimmer sugar and finally some shaped like holly leaves with cherries for berries, the cookie tins are filling up nicely.

Dinner tonight was maple glazed bacon chops with home made hot tomato sauce,hash browns, eggs and garden peas, this went down well with the boys along with quite a lot of bread and butter. Afterwards we all helped with the washing up and clearing away and I was grateful for the help being by now very tired indeed,due to a disgustingly early start to the day.

Grey skies seem to be the order of the day for the present, dull yes but even today there was so much beauty in the silver grey Beeches now totally bare of leaves and the black boughs of the Lime trees in the lane stark but stately against the pale grey sky.
Squirrels abound just now and the feeders are regularly raided by these furry little mites, they are so cute that I cannot find it in my heart to chase them away, and besides they are such fun to watch, it is worth a few peanuts to be so well entertained while washing the breakfast dishes each day.

I have found an on line supplier of live meal worms and as they will send a set amount on a weekly basis I should love to order some for my robin. The problem is one of storage as a;though we have three freezers we have only on refrigerator and these little grubs need to be kept chilled. In a sealed container they would of course cause no trouble, all et same I should hate to be around when either of the boys discovered that I was keeping such livestock amongst the cheeses and the butter!

I have enjoyed today, all the lovely bustle of a kitchen and the preparations for Christmas suit me very well and although I am very tired it is a satisfying sort of tiredness and the rapidly filling cookie jars are a great comfort at this time of year as they make a nice gift nicely wrapped in cellophane of in a pretty box. The kitchen smells of spice and sugar and the house is warm from the days baking, I can think of nothing more homely and pleasing at this time or any time of year.

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