Tuesday, 27 December 2011



of my Christmas gifts from Pa was a lovely faux fur jacket,very light an warm and perfect for wearing when I am on the buggy. Ever since I unwrapped it on Christmas Day my little cat has not been herself and with all the bustle I had not realised that the coat was the problem...............until this morning.

I had to go out to pick up some potatoes and a swede and I decided to wear the new coat, I laid out my clothes upon the bed and went to do my hair. It was the growling and hissing from the bedroom which alerted me to the problem and when entered the room there was Twiggy having at my jacket with teeth and claws and howling like a banshee in to the bargain.

Of course the bed is hers and the fur jacket she considered in the light of an interloper, I brushed it down ,hung it on the wardrobe door and returned to the bathroom to finish doing my hair. More growling ,more spitting and the worst kind of cat swearing I ever hear. I hurried back to find madam hanging from the jacket, her claws firmly embedded in the fur, my she did look fierce .

I shooed her out of the bedroom, a foolish mistake as she now felt that I had ousted her from her place in favour of the despised coat. She prowled about on the landing still swearing horribly and as I emerged from the bedroom wearing the garment she attacked again with vigour and I was forced to retreat at once.

Having at last distracted her I managed to get out of the house and went to do my shopping,on my return she was waiting in the bedroom fizzing like a firework. Still wearing the jacket I quickly grabbed the cat and gave her a cuddle,this was not easy as she wriggled like and eel but at last she subsided a little and I put her down on the bed, took off the jacket and laid it beside her.

I expected more trouble but after walking all over the coat and sniffing every inch of it she sat down on it and I have been unable to dislodge her since, The ways of cats are passing strange!

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