Tuesday, 29 January 2013


A few years ago my old mum can to stay with us for a few weeks of rest ,relaxation and a damn good cosseting,bless her heart.
On the first night I was making bed time drinks and she asked if had any Horlicks.....I didn’t.
What I did have however was a jar of brewers malt, so I boiled the milk, put a good teaspoon of the malt into a mug and then whisked the milk on to it...no sugar needed. My mother loved it so much that she continued to have my version during the whole of her visit.

Pa loves Ovaltine,he has it every night after his shower,now and again we run out of this delectable beverage and so I put a teaspoon of coco powder and a half teaspoon of malt in to a mug and whisk in the boiling milk. Pa does not have any sugar added to this but of course it could be,also the amounts of cocoa and malt could be adjusted to your own taste.

My son loves hot chocolate,as do I and in the dreadful event of my forgetting to order any I just grate some plain chocolate in to a mug,add a little sugar and a drop of vanilla essence  them whisk on the boiling milk. This is called French chocolate I believe,in any case it is quite a treat with a few marshmallows to top it off.
For a soothing bed time drink whisk a dessert spoon of runny honey in to a mug of hot milk,this will not only help you to sleep but is also good for your immune system.

If you have and invalid in the house whose appetite is poor try beating an egg yolk in to a mug of  milk then heating almost to the boil. Flavour  with a little vanilla essence and a teaspoon of sugar.

If you do not like milk try and infusion of chamomile and lemon balm, or lime flowers made in to a tea. My own favourite is lime flower and lavender,very soothing.

Of course the branded products are perfectly OK but if you keep your store cupboard up to specs you will never be at a loss when a lovely bed time drink is required.

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