Sunday, 6 January 2013


I f there is one job I hate it is taking down the Christmas decorations,especially the tree,clouds of dust pervade the air for hours and there it always seems that the boxes form which the decorations were unpacked have somehow shrunk during the intervening weeks,

Amid a tangle of fairy light cable and branches the baubles had become so tangled that I was certain that someone has been playing cats cradle on the quiet. Mayhem and chaos unfolded amid clouds of dust as of course the tree had been gathering the stuff all through the holiday. Wheezing and sneezing we wrapped each bauble in tissue and when at last the job was done and we blew our congested noses you could easily have supposed that we had spent the morning down a coal mine!

To make matters worse the job was being done against the clock as we were expecting the Kamikaze Dungeoneers before lunch ,and of course we had all overslept....typical.

By the time all was safely packed away we were all besmirched ,dishevelled and as I mentioned earlier disgusted to discover that we had again forgotten to pack away a piece of seasonal ornamentation,to-wit the Holly wreath from the front door,noticed as we admitted our first guest.

When all were assembled I basely scuttled off for an hour in the fresh air in an attempt to dispel the dust,when I returned I washed my hair.........the water was black. DISGUSTING!!

The boys had a great time gaming, Pa was happy all afternoon with his railway books,and I gave myself the afternoon off and watched old episodes of a wonderful show called “The Good Old Days”. For anyone with a love of |Music Hall and Variety this is brilliant,it was a lovely way to spend my afternoon,

Now Twiggy ,who is sitting on my desk ,is asking when we are getting in to bed and I think it had better be soon,as she is threatening to sit on my key board. So for this week I shall say good night,and blessings lite upon you all.

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