Friday, 18 January 2013


I know I keep going on about this but speaking as a much mocked weather prophet I am rather enjoying the discomfiture of the knockers.
My son and I both had appointments with the Doctor today and we set out muffled up in fur ushankas, and a motley assortment of heavy clothes, we looked like stragglers from the Russian Army as we trudged and trundled through the deep snow.

It transpires that the intense pain my son has been in lately is being caused by a swollen Lymph Node, the treatment for which is anti biotics,for the moment he is still taking lots of pain relief and is still drowsy as a consequence. If there is no improvement by Monday the Doctor will see him at once,without an appointment,which is a great relief all round.

Normally tomorrow would be a gaming day for my son and his friends ,a combination of the weather and his painful jaw has caused him to cancel and so we shall have an impromptu free day.
We decided to have a no chores day today and spent the afternoon hunkered down in the warm kitchen playing scrabble and guillotine. We drank several pots of tea and had a wonderful time just being together.

To finish a lovely afternoon we had a meal we all love,eggs,bacon,sausages and baked beans with newly made potato cakes,simple and delicious if a trifle naughty!

Before Christmas my son ordered new mobile phones for the two of us and today they arrived. I must say they are more sophisticated than I had imagined and weather or not I shall be able to understand how to use mine is a moot point.

Snow in time for the weekend is a child’s dream and I expect to be awakened early tomorrow by the shrill sound of excited youngsters enjoying themselves across the lane. Snow men of all shapes and sizes abound in these parts and I am looking forward to seeing this winters works of art. As a child I used to make snow cats and horses,and once with the help of our local doctor we made a real igloo,the year was 1963, the igloo lasted for three months.

Weather or not you like the snow I wish you all a wonderful weekend, either out in the frosty air or snuggled up before the fire,what ever you do,enjoy yourselves.

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