Monday, 21 January 2013


The unfamiliar calm of the past few days had lulled us all in to a false sense of security and we were ill fitted for the rigours of a typical Monday,let alone this particular one. In spite of all the snow the intrepid delivery men who haunt our door like noisy poltergeists arrive as usual at the crack of dawn, so the day started,as it were ,with a bang,several bangs!

In my long white night dress,bare feet and tousled hair I must have looked a total fright for it was the delivery driver who acted as if he had seen a ghost,he threw the package at me and hared off up the path, heedless of the ice he slipped and landed squarely on his backside. I hastened to close the door lest he should hear my helpless laughter.

More packages followed and, realising that peace had departed with the weekend I reluctantly dressed and got on with the business of the day.

My idiot son,although still in considerable pain announced over breakfast his intention of going to work tonight as usual,in spite of the fact that the last thing he needs is to be out in the freezing cold air. In spite of the fact the due to the pain he has hardly slept at all for days,and despite my own pleading,begging and finally dire warnings!!!! One thing I do know and WILL say is that the clueless ingrates he works for are not worthy of his loyalty and frankly if I were in his shoes I would tell then to swivel...if you get my drift!

Much as usual for a Monday people can and went but the work was done,then at four O clock,just as I was about to prepare a chicken and ham pie for dinner................a knock at the door proved to be a soldier friend of whom we are all very fond..and so the pie was left to its own devises.
It was lovely to see our young friend again and the time passed more quickly than realised when at five he took his leave and I realised that I had exactly fifteen minutes to make the pie from scratch.

Wonder Woman ain’t and so it was after six before we sat down to what turned out to be one of the best pies I have ever made. The whole pie(and it was a large one ) disappeared in short order and I was thankful that this was so for the promised pie was in the nature of a treat for the boys.

With dinner over and the kitchen cleared I can ,at last attend to the answering of e,mails and the writing of this blog. I feel overwhelmingly weary but happy that things went well after all. Frankly I cannot wait until my son works his last shift for the shiftless (pardon my little joke) jesters for whom he works......I have a large box of fireworks ready for the great occasion and I promise a fine display!!!!!

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