Today a most important
matter is being decided,something that will affect every man ,woman
and child in this country and yet there is no sense of history being
changed. For longer than the Thames has flowed past the seat of government the people of this country have fought for , and after
centuries of suffering won the the battle for what is today being
allowed to be filched from them without a whimper.
I am of course
referring to the matter of free speech and the last ditch attempt by
the press to prevent Parliament from thrusting this rights of British
citizens back hundreds of years.
I promise you that I am
not being unnecessarily dramatic ,every word is the plain dreadful
For years successive
governments have attempted to curb the press, why, because they are
uncomfortable with the truth or more to the point they are
uncomfortable with the people being told the, truth.
Remember Tony Blair’s
insistence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, remember how
desperately he attempted to persuade parliament that we should attack
Iraq. Remember how finally he told the house that those weapons could
be deployed at any time and could hit targets in the UK in minutes.
With that speech he persuaded the members to support his wishes and
many voted in his favour on the strength of that statement. Tony
Blair lied!
Within hours of that
vote the first bombs landed on Iraqi soil and it was obvious that
Blair and Bush had already made the decision to attack. Imagine what
would have happened if Tony Blair had been unable to sway the vote to
suit his urgent need of approval for the greatest mistake in modern
The discovery that The
P.M had not been truthful was uncovered by the media who received
information from a certain Dr Kelly that the information given at
that vitals debate had been “sexed up” it was erroneous,
incorrect, let us be frank ,it was an out right lie.
The BBC broad cast this
information and as a result Tony Blair instigated a witch hunt which
caused the controller of the BBC Greg Dyke to be fired, Piers Morgan
,whose newspaper ran the story was also sacked and Dr Kelly , an
honest honourable man paid for Mr Blair’s displeasure with his
More recently the media
uncovered,and is still uncovering the fraudulent expenses claims of
members of Parliament, they uncovered and continue to uncover the
perfidious behaviour of our banks. All of this we have a right to
know and that knowledge has made the Government uncomfortable .
What is happening today
is pay back, payback for making those fraudulent liars who form pour
government give up their illegal perks.
Imagine that this bill
had been passed then that scandal broke,how much of it would we have
been allowed to know. When the banks collapsed how much of the truth
of the matter would we have been told. You need to ask yourselves
that question and it has to be now.
I piece of writing such
as this could well be against the law this time tomorrow because
quite suddenly telling the truth had become a crime, it could also
become dangerous.
This bill will not
simply affect the media, it will rob every citizen of the freedom to
express his beliefs,weather right or wrong. We have a perfectly;y
good legal system to deal with slander and liable and that should be
B y morning we may well
be living in a country no no better in the matter of free speech that
Iraq whose president we removed for this offence among others. Quite
a though isn't it.
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