Friday, 11 October 2013


Last night we said a sad farewell to the golden autumn weather we have been enjoying of late when almost in a blink of the eye the wind got up,the sun disappeared and it became much,much colder.

It was the suddenness which took me by surprise, after feeling chilly when I went to the shops yesterday I spent much of today digging around in cupboards for winter scarves,hats,gloves etc. Sweaters ,Cardigans and woollen cloaks were pulled out of their summer retirement and pressed in to immediate service,along with fur lined boots and Pa's fleece onesies.

I had intended to visit the local hardware shop to purchase a new lavatory seat as ours has come adrift and is positively lethal ,the state of the weather however changed my mind. Rain,rain and more rain....I simply could not be asked. Of course this means that we still have a lavatory seat which performs like a carrousel!

Hopefully by morning the rain will have stopped,if not I shall have to brave the elements after all, still, there is one lovely thing about going out in bad weather and that is.......coming back home to a hot chocolate and a warm cosy house.......Always look on the bright side of life,di do,di do di do di do!

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