Thursday, 3 October 2013


Still in the grip of drug induced lethargy I am finding even small chores more than usually challenging. Larger projects such as fruit bottling are out for the moment but at least I have managed to get the labelling up to date and have bagged up the apple rings which I put in the freezer on Monday.

Another less arduous task has been the bottling of the liqueurs put down during the summer months. Raspberry Vodka of course, Plum Brandy and a new addition to the drinks cabinet,Strawberry Vodka. Even straight from the jar it tastes wonderful and smells like a strawberry patch full of ripe fruit on a hot afternoon, by the time it has matured it will be amazing.

With the jars empty I laid down some Damson gin and a late Plum Brandy,before running out of steam. I still have the Rose hip Vodka and the Rose hip syrup to make,I just hope I get the time.

Early this morning I found on looking out of my bedroom window that a thick river mist had enveloped the landscape and only the tops of trees could be seen. Out of this mist Canada Geese appeared, flying in great skeins from the comparative safety of their overnight roost on the river to their grazing grounds in the fields across the lane. Tired as I was I was glad not to have missed the spectacle.

All at once the air was rent with the sound of chain saws and their racket was soon joined by a shredder, further afield a pile driver began its rhythmic pounding which even the chain saws could not quite drown. An hour later the road men who have been mending the pavements hereabouts for the last month, commenced the use of a jigger pick to take up the old tarmac..........Hey ho..every paradise has it's serpent, I just wish ours was of the quiet kind.

For dinner I prepared a favourite Autumn dish of home made sausages served with colchannon, apple sauce and thyme gravy, an easy dish to prepare and making few dishes.

As I write Harry the ginger tom cat is disporting himself on the fur rug on my bed,now that the weather is damp he is spending much of his time with us and our ladies are becoming used to his presence. Harry is adorable, and his presence does seem to stop the girls from squabbling about who is the boss. With Harry around it's very obvious that he is the gaffer. Long may he stay with us.

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