I was appalled to hear
on the morning news that a certain large supermarket is cashing in
on the dreadful poverty in which many people,through no fault of
their own find themselves in these trying times.
Later at the store,
shoppers ears were being bombarded with pleas to buy extra food and
leave it at a collection point as they left, as a donation to a food bank The store would then,we were
informed donate 30% of the cost of each item to charity .Some might think
this a laudable project,I most definitely do not.
Supermarkets in general
and this one in particular are not renown for their philanthropic
gestures to harassed shoppers, let alone those who cannot afford their
prices. One only has to look closely at the so called bigger
pack,better value scams which appear all over the store. Supermarkets
are in the business of making money and that is the not so pure and
simple truth.
This then begs the
question,why are they doing this?The answer is simple,it will make
them money.
At a time when all of
us are attempting to buy less each week this is a cynical ploy to
encourage us to spend extra by appealing to our consciences,our
consciences, what about theirs?
With the mark up on
each and every product sky high, they will still make money even if
they do give 30% of each items value to the needy The shear bare
face cheek beggars belief!
There even seems to be
a limit upon what products can be donated,this suggests
that,according to this weeks gifting advice they have an over plus of
pasta sauce in stock,maybe now it is I who am being cynical? I really
think not!
In my home town
thousands are having to survive on food bank hand outs ,now don't mistake me I
think these institutions are wonderful and quite possibly life
saving. The shear organisation which goes in to these places and make
it work is phenomenal and those who run them give of their time
I have nothing to say
against these remarkable centres of welfare. What I deplore is the
need for such places in this day and age. How long will it be before
the workhouse, the poor law and the treadmill are brought back to
life. Already our political parties,yes all of them talk about the
poor and the unemployed in terms which suggest that they believe
these people choose to draw benefit and live in squalor,not so!
My grandmother worked
herself to death to keep her five children from the workhouse when
her husband was to ill to work. My maternal Grandfather ,who like
many was out of work in the recession played cards for money all over
the Midlands in the big hotels to keep food on the families table.
He had photographic recall and usually won. My Great grand mother
performed the duty of midwife,undertaker and sometimes even
abortionist to her community,she too was left with five children when her
young husband died. She did what she needed to do, and was a good and
caring woman I am told,and well respected.
The people in my home
town were proud of their heritage, they were Potters,Steel men,
Miners and Railway engineers. They cut the canals, they were hard
working people and proud of their independence.
All the industries I
named have gone,so where are the men and women to work? The simple
truth is that there is no work,so these people are obliged to draw
benefit. They are vilified by all the political parties and are being
turned in to scapegoats for what is wrong with the economy.
Don't let them fool
you,for however middle or even upper middle-class you may think you
are ,what you are in fact is just one pay packet away from the
poverty these people have suffered for years, no shame to them.
Shame instead to the politicians who closed the factories,who allowed
our industries to wither away through lack of investment.
Shame to the bankers,
who first encourage people to take on large debts which cannot then
be serviced by someone who suddenly loses his employment.
I seem to have come a
long way from my opening comments, but in reality I have not moved at
The people who rely on
these food banks are in need of compassion from every one of us,and I
do not mean buying and extra bottle of pasta sauce at the
The next time you hear
some well fed cabinet minister sounding off about the villainies and
the fecklessness of the unemployed,for Gods sake,see it for what it
is,their attempt to deflect the blame for our ravaged economy from
At the next elections
be they local or national,remember that Politicians are the servants,
not the masters of the public, and act accordingly.
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