Still in a strange mood
this morning was unable to settle to any constructive employment,the
reason for this was two fold. To begin with I was in a good deal of
pain and secondly unsettled as I was I lacked the will to push myself
enough to get things done.
This lack of purpose
cause me to feel even more peculiar and finally I decided to take the
buggy and just go..somewhere.......anywhere.......anywhere but here!
Just for once I wanted to be,somewhere else,I cannot even put in to
words how I felt,for me to be lost for words is,many would say,a rare
Even my trundling was
aimless and I ended up on the tow path of The Grand Union Canal
watching the boats slowly slipping in and out of the shadows as they
went on their way. Then it dawned on me what my problem was,I also
realised that I had come to exactly the wrong place to recover
myself. You see,the boats were going somewhere, people in their cars
were going somewhere and living as I do under the Heathrow flight
path I watched hourly thousands of people...all going somewhere,
I am very well aware
that this feeling is not only illogical it is extremely
ungrateful,after all I have so much to be thankful for. I have A
lovely home,beautiful gardens,a wonderful family and for once
everything is going well,and I am enjoying it all but oh my,sometimes
the longing to be on the downs, walking by the sea sitting in a
forest far from the city overwhelms me and my self control crumbles
to dust.
Eventually the feeling
will pass,it always does,it's just that for me staying in one place
is against my nature,I am a gypsy in my heart and life without a far
horizon chokes the life out of me.
The fact that I am
writing in this way sh0ws how out of sorts must be,I know how lucky
I am and I am thankful,today,for some reason I feel as if I were a
prisoner. In a way I suppose I am.
I feel exactly like
Ratty from “The Wind in the Willows”in the chapter “Wayfarers
All”. Oh well,Ratty got over it,ands so,I suppose shall I.
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