Monday, 22 July 2013


Moth decided to stay out last nigh,on the face of it a good thing since it meant that she would not be prowling around upstairs all nigh waking us up. In the event it was Twiggy who prowled about all night looking for the absent Moth,until she was finally evicted by me in the early hours.

Then came the thunderstorm crashing directly over the roof of the house and complete with awe inspiring pyrotechnics and torrential rain. Within moments the lane was a river as the rain lashed down and the thunder continued frighteningly loud.

Having given up any hope of sleep my son and I made coffee and settled down to watch the storm,it was than that we saw Moth,drenched to the skin halfway up a trencher mouth moving in pathetic mews’s which we could not hear.

Having driven us crazy to be let out she was mighty glad to get back in again, she had, I suspect,climbed the tree in order to be level with our bedroom windows. The rescue party set out and in a short time the wettest,most miserable little cat you ever saw streaked in through the back door,fled past the watchful Twiggy and straight upstairs where she sat at once upon a white fur rug in order to dry herself off. Typical!

The second of my son's books in the “Alamo” series went on sale in the early hours of the morning and as we rubbed our eyes and drank our second coffee the first sales reports began to arrive. The book had made an encouraging start and sales of its predecessor continued to do very well.

For a few hours the excitement of the new book kept the adrenalin flowing but as the day progressed and the heat built up we all began to flag. For me,today’s weather and last nights sleeplessness was the last straw and I was obliged to lie down as quite literally I could not stand up.
The boys were both tired too and we all spent the afternoon sitting amidst a barrage of fans, which did little to quell the heat.

Throughout the day the news about the imminent birth of the Royal Baby became more and more inane,hoards of re[porters asked the same stupid questions of the same stupid people and my heart went out to the young woman who was struggling to bring in to the world the cause of all the fuss.

We ate an early dinner,a quick stir fry of chicken ,cashews,vegetables and noodles,which took minutes to make after which we helped ourselves liberally to the fruit bowl and a fine sweet melon which had been chilling in the fridge.

As I write the shadows are lengthening in the lane and a pony and trap has just gone by, it is by no means any cooler but somehow the dimming of the suns glare makes the heat more kind. My sons latest book released this morning is selling very well ,living up to it,s early morning promise.

We,as a family are,after many storms and buffets ,in calm waters. While this safe and settled feeling lasts I mean to enjoy every moment, I mean to let the happiness of these days wrap itself around me and my family,for the moment all is well,tomorrow can shift for it's self.

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