Today was one of those
days I often get in summer and which I love to hate, a blazing hot
day,six pounds of strawberries to be jammed, and a batch of lemon balm cordial to
make,adds up to an a productive buy uncomfortable day.
My son was gaming at
the Pub with the Dungeoneers,Pa has gone off to buy some lemons,I had
the kitchen to myself..perfect.
Twelve pound jars full
of brilliant red fruit was the result of the jam making and our
supply of strawberry jam for the winter is secured,with some left
over for gifts ,but the heat took its toll and I began to feel dizzy.
I pressed on a little
longer however to make a batch of Lemon Balm cordial,the Elder
flowers being now finished,as indeed was I by the time I had cleared
the kitchen, Pa arrived back from his trip and I flaked out in my
room with all the windows open and a large fan on full speed.
Although aware that a
dislike of tennis is,in this country tantamount to treason must
confess that I do find the sport an awful bore. I love cricket and
rugby,even a good football match,but tennis no!
In spite of this I put
on the television to see how the young Scots lad was doing,and
promptly fell asleep. I told you find tennis boring.
My son arrived back
from his game and announced that Murray had won his, and I truly am
glad for him....and for me,perhaps now people will stop harping on
about how we have not won a men’s final at Wimbledon since the game
played in the presence of the Emperor Claudius!
Feeling rested but
still woosey I prepared our dinner of home made pizza and salad
,during the mean we discussed our plans for next week. My son will
,of course be writing, Pa has a number of assorted specialists to see
and I, shall as usual be pottering around my small world,rather
warmer than usual but very ,very ,happy.
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