Monday, 29 July 2013


As soon as I awoke this morning I was aware of a sense of dread, the reason for which I was , at first unable to comprehend,but as the blissful fog of sleep thinned and vanished away the grim reality of my situation began to loom large. This day, the day the cat was to be neutered,the day I had been dreading for weeks had arrived!

Breakfast was more subdued than usual as we were all dreading the events to come,my son because he is a soft hearted soul and adores the little minx,Pa because he hates the idea of us being unhappy and myself; because as the person elected to get the cat in to her carried I knew fine well that by nightfall I would be in tatters! I still carry the scars from her last trip to the vets for injections.

I could settle to nothing, all day I wandered around the hose occasionally bumping in top my son who was even worse than I. Just as I began to feel that time had stood still and five O clock would never come a friend arrived with a huge bag of green gooseberries in need of being dealt with,a job I normally dislike. Today I pounced upon the carrier bag full of fruit with glee and soon the rhythmic snipping of tops and tails lulled my trouble mind and my thoughts wandered far for the days trouble.

Throughout the day the cat in question had viewed us with suspicion and seemed to sense that something was afoot.........the time arrived for the dreaded deed to be done, put on heavy duty trousers, a thick parka and a pair of leather gloves and went forth.

The identical moment my son went to get the carrier she knew what was coming and began to cower in a ,corner of the bathroom, my heats smote me as I looked into her terrified eyes. It was pointless to tell myself that it was for her good,I felt like the Judas which her eyes accused me of being.

Wonder of wonders, I caught her with no difficulty and got her in to the carrier at the first attempt! After a small protest she discovered the tuna fish loin left in the carrier as and enticement,ate the morsel the curled up on an old t shirt of my sons and awaited with patience what was to come.

A short taxi ride to the vet,an examination and then my son left her and came sadly home,alone.
Of course we all know that what is being done is for her good but believe me a heart of stone would be needed to withstand the pleading look on that scared little face as the door of the carrier closed on her.

We are already planning the welcome home tomorrow,her favourite treats, a fur rug and the biggest and best cuddle a cat ever had.
Twiggy has searched the bedrooms several times and is now sitting miserably on the landing,Harry too is disconsolate,we are in fact a sorry set of miseries tonight.

Tomorrow,it will all be over and we shall have our smallest and sweetest little cat at home again,it cannot come too soon.

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